Looking for a beta

Jun 29, 2010 15:43

Hey everyone :)

I'm slowly working on a multi-chaptered Miroku/Kagome story and I'm looking for a beta-reader :) Not only to help with the grammar and spelling (I'm not a native user of English, so it might be a problem...) but also to help with my motivation :P I don't want to post it before it is ready in its entirety... and It will never be unless I have someone or something motivating me xD

Here's a short summary of the story-in-the-making:

Title: The Black Sun
After a dangerous incident with the Kazaana Miroku retreats behind a facade of indifference and falls into severe depression, with Kagome as the only witness.

As you can see, it's an angsty piece... But I hope it's a bit interesting xD I have 15 pages so far, not much.... but I'm full of ideas :)

So, if anyone is willing to help me, I'd be very grateful. :)

Here's my ff.net account with some of my stories in different fandoms, so that you know what you're up against, so to speak xD http://www.fanfiction.net/~mizuki1988

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