OOC / IC Permissions

Oct 28, 2011 16:37

Character Name: The Monk of Key-Fu (Key-Fu)
Character Series: Original (The Legend of Key-Fu)


Backtagging:YESPlease, do so! I have no problem at all with people tagging or continuing a thread, even if it's been a week (or more) after it started. Threadhopping:YESSo long as it's not private, go for it! Try and make sure anyone else in the thread is cool with it, though. Fourthwalling:YESIf it's in your character's nature to mess with the fourth wall, go ahead! Offensive Subjects:YESKey-Fu might not like what's said or done, but if it's in your character's nature to be that way, go for it.


Flirting:YESHe may or may not realize what you're doing. Hugging:YESKey-Fu will happily volunteer as a teddy bear stunt double. Kissing:YESKey-Fu probably won't kiss back, but feel free! Fighting:YESHis fists weren't made for punching pork slabs. Injuring:YESIt's expected, as a champion vampire killer martial artist! Killing:YESLet's plan it first! Key-Fu doesn't go down without a fight. Mind Reading:YESKey-Fu has no defense to mind reading, although his bizarre stream of consciousness could be considered one. Beware, telepaths! You might wind up like Key-Fu!

Warnings: When in possession of his plasticine-like body, Key-Fu is very liable to spew massive amounts of blood from his body from even the slightest of injuries-even if it's just a papercut or stubbing a toe. If blood is a trigger for you, please take note of that.

Key-Fu's also a pretty dangerous driver, but he won't kill or injure himself or his passengers unless that's been planned ahead by the affected parties.

!permissions, @mayfield

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