LEGEND OF MAYFIELD V: The Wily Winter Whiteout!

Dec 15, 2011 23:32

[There's a lot of things Key-Fu could be doing-building a fire, gathering supplies for the household, something useful-but he hasn't. In fact, he's been a scarce sight at home. Just what is he up to?]

[ACTION (Anywhere in Mayfield, Evening/Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]

[What are you up to, Mayfield? Hanging out at the park near the Christmas tree? ( Read more... )

not a backdated entry for once, ^event: looking a lot like christmas, @mayfield, lost again as usual, ^bazett fraga mcremitz, stop it key-fu you're not a gopher, ^blu scout, ^clover duck, *action

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answerer_sword December 16 2011, 19:02:43 UTC
Key-fu, what are you doing?

[She looks at the grinning plumber, who is not even properly attired.]

At least wear a coat before you go diving in the snow.


monk_of_keyfu December 16 2011, 23:09:24 UTC
I must confess, my previous patron, for the con-men have fused my pathfinding faculties!


answerer_sword December 16 2011, 23:14:22 UTC
Do you have adequate supplies?

[Though from the looks of it, he does not.]

The power and water are both out. You will need proper food and shelter to survive for what might be a month.


monk_of_keyfu December 18 2011, 22:52:46 UTC
The whitewash of wassail wakens my wanderlust! I have experienced an error most grave in my errands!


answerer_sword December 18 2011, 22:58:51 UTC
Why have you not read the street signs?

[She learned to do that after getting lost a couple of times.]

You should hurry up. The stores might run out of food or clothing otherwise. However, if that happens, then perhaps you should come to my house and ask me. I will lend you some of my supplies.


monk_of_keyfu December 19 2011, 00:45:16 UTC
[There's an explosion of snow as Key-Fu thrusts an arm high into the sky!]

A most astute ascertainment! I shall endeavor to not to eschew the spirits of escort any furhter!

[And now he's pointing at Bazett with that same arm.]

You are most generous to offer such assistance!


answerer_sword December 19 2011, 00:59:23 UTC
Think of it as a payment for unclogging my toilet. I do not think I paid you adequately for that.

[Even if the results were less than ideal.]


monk_of_keyfu January 1 2012, 03:36:48 UTC
[(Picking up where we left off!)]

Truly such a defiling of the domicile deserved a dollop of dollars!


answerer_sword January 1 2012, 03:43:05 UTC

Next time, I will have to remember to keep some of my drone husband's money on hand at all times.

[Or find a way to earn her own, seeing as how her drone husband bought questionable things.]


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