LEGEND OF MAYFIELD IV: The Piped Patio Pruning Party!

Dec 05, 2011 21:13

[ACTION - A (Anywhere in Mayfield, Moring/Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]

[Getting into the wintery time of the year can lead to problems with the plumbing! Whatever trouble you might be having in your household, it's a good thing that Mayfield has people in the city who've been assigned to be plumbers. Right?]

[So you shouldn't be too surprised to find ( Read more... )

^fujino asagami, and it's all about to be buried in snow, not a backdated entry for once, ^alfred f. jones, *7132 brooks lane, @mayfield, ^bazett fraga mcremitz, ^picky minch, ^rin kagamine, *action

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imjustpicky December 6 2011, 03:33:13 UTC
Um. Key-Fu?

[Picky is standing in the doorway, having gotten home from school a bit earlier. He had been observing the raking, sometimes with astonishment, sometimes with confusion, punctuated with the occasional laugh.

But... something needed to be said.]

I don't think "mom" is gonna be happy about this.


monk_of_keyfu December 6 2011, 03:45:31 UTC
[Key-Fu looks back over to Picky. He's still standing there proudly, holding into the rake like he punched out the farmer in the American Gothic painting and stood in for him instead.]

Worry not of the mysteries of maternity, my pint-sized pigeon! The Monk of Key-Fu never shirks from any task!


imjustpicky December 8 2011, 00:16:56 UTC
...You're supposed to put all the leaves in a big pile!

[He hesitates. Maybe he hasn't been convincing enough just by saying what needs to be done. Let's bring out a why!]

Then we can jump in them!


monk_of_keyfu December 8 2011, 03:26:47 UTC
[Key-Fu assumes a pondering posture!]

Most unfortunate! I appear to have misconstrued the funeral rites of foilage!


imjustpicky December 9 2011, 01:58:58 UTC
Uh... yeah.

Is there another rake? I can help! [He probably should. He didn't particularly want to do any work, he'd rather play more Tetris, but it was the right thing to do...]


monk_of_keyfu December 11 2011, 01:51:37 UTC
[Key-Fu looks around briskly, as if trying to remember. Then points toward the garage.]

Verily I believe raking reinforcements reside in the sedan stable!

[Just think, Picky, you could play Tetris with the leaves]


imjustpicky December 12 2011, 03:19:46 UTC
[Well, drat. Now he'd have to help. With a heavy sigh he goes to the garage, finds the extra rake, and marches himself out to the front yard.

The rake is like, almost twice as long as he is. But he will TRY HIS BEST.]

Alright, alright... we gotta put it in a pile! [And so starts perfectly normal raking. Albeit limited by short arms and 8-year-old stamina.]


monk_of_keyfu December 12 2011, 06:20:40 UTC
[Key-Fu observes for a few moments, to discern Picky's plan.]

Excellent! Let us begin the colorful coalescence!

[And then, with all the vigor of a superhero who's hit Starbucks one too many times in the day, he begins raking up leaves around other parts of the lawn!]

[He's a lot more active and a lot less careful about this than he when he was making a zen garden out of the leaves. In fact, he's actually sent some leaves flying and floating about the yard!]


imjustpicky December 13 2011, 23:44:28 UTC
The.... okay.

[And Picky continues with his perfectly normal raking. Although it's considerably slowed, as he's watching Key-Fu woosh around in his Key-Fuish way.]

H-hey! Careful!

[Picky just got some leaves to the face. Ohnoes!]


monk_of_keyfu December 14 2011, 04:21:32 UTC
[Key-Fu stops raking immediately after Picky calls after him.]

Goodness! The fallen foilage floats forever more!

[A leaf drifts by from behind Key-Fu, and it looks like it's going to join the rest in bothering Picky's face-until a free hand whips around and snatches the leaf. He promptly crushes it in his hand!]


Oh dear it's been how long? D: imjustpicky December 18 2011, 21:47:59 UTC
[Ooh. Leaf-crushing. He really showed that leaf who was boss.]

...woah. Awesome.

[Oh wait, he had stopped raking! He had only a tiny pile of leaves to show for it, but he was back to work with a jolt, hauling them to the largest combined pile he could find.]


Only four days! monk_of_keyfu December 18 2011, 23:43:11 UTC
The ways of Key-Fu shall not let any foliage flick at your follicles!

[Key-Fu has enough sense to work to add to the pile Picky's pushing the leaves into! The guy seems like an endless bundle of energy.]


imjustpicky December 20 2011, 22:44:45 UTC
That's good! Leaves go in the pile, not on me!

[He has to laugh. This is working out okay! And they're not toing to be out in the yard raking all afternoon, if they keep this pace. Especially with all of Key-Fu's energy.]


monk_of_keyfu January 1 2012, 03:21:01 UTC
[(Sorry for the long delay! I'm just now getting around to tagging in the wake of Release 88 and Christmas funtimes.)]

[Look at that, Key-Fu's already got half the lawn done and he's still moving briskly!]

Behold! We have given the lawn's comb-over of lifeless leafage a most efficient buzz-cut!


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