Title: As I was waiting for the day to break
monitorscreenFandom: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
Characters: Cloud, Vincent
Rating: G
Word count: 461
Disclaimer: Final Fantasy VII and its compilation are the creations of Square Enix, not mine.
Summary: After the hero retired.
As I was waiting for the day to break
by monitor screen
Well, I'm going to try. I'll let you know how it goes.
Life without world-threatening crisis was not easy. It was simple, too simple, to slip into an aimless lull, to just let one day bled into another, the long drone of nothingness.
It was not every day you got to save the world single-handed.
Somewhere along the way he moved out of the bar, out of the weird mimicry of intimacy he shared with Tifa. Not that he was running away anymore, no. He just needed the space.
And somehow they settled around these new parameters. For the first time in years, perhaps the first time ever, they were talking and enjoying each other's company - really enjoying themselves, not staying together out of some sort of necessity.
Maybe it was what a normal life should be like.
But it did not stop the feeling that this was just some kind of rare long sleep he was waiting to wake up from, that this normal life he was having was just another dismissible interlude between the important events.
That this might be all there was left for him was almost unthinkable.
A quiet knocking broke him out of his reverie. Before he even knew it, he had his sword in his hand, all his senses straining to the sharpest, ready to spring at the slightest alarm. He could not help the trace of thrill that swarmed up at the scent of blood. Even if it meant more fighting...
But it was just Vincent. And though the other was rather battered, there was no urgency to the gunman's calm.
"I ran into a monster nest. Didn't have potion with me," Vincent said by way of greeting.
He could not quite shake the taste of disappointment off his tongue, so he simply nodded and let Vincent in. As per their usual taciturnity, offer of accommodation was made and accepted without much fuss. Just a friendly visiting, for all intent and purpose.
As Vincent was cleaning up, he replaced First Tsurugi into its holder on the wall. The steel was cool in the night air, and he could practically feel the strength dancing on its edge. Almost like electricity waiting to be discharged.
But it was all another life now.
He dug out a spare blanket for the couch, then set the water boiling. Idly he browsed through deliveries to be made the next day again, mentally calculating if he could clear an evening to catch up with Vincent.
He was not expecting anything. Running into monster nests was pretty normal for travellers. Vincent did not implicate anything was amiss. They were at peace now.
He wondered if there would ever be a day when he'd stop anticipating the word of doom.
Comments and critiques welcomed.