Title: Normal Boys
monitorscreenFandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Nase/Iijima
Rating: G
Word count: 433
Disclaimer: Hikaru no Go is the creation of Hotta Yumi, not mine.
Summary: It was difficult for Nase to date normal boys.
Author's notes: Fic #12 for
fic_on_demand's Fic a Day June Challenge. Request:
Best friends by
shanaqui. I hope this isn't too scrambled; it's difficult to write when I can't decide if I want gen or 'ship... And now I have to run *sighs*
Normal Boys
by monitor screen
Nase did not give it a second thought the first time Iijima took her to dinner after another of their sessions at the Go club. She was starved, and it would be another hour before she could be home. Eating nearby seemed like a logical solution. All the better if she could have it with company.
It was the third week of this when she started to take notice. And even then she simply accepted the change of routine. Iijima was going to leave soon, after all; he probably wanted to savour the time they still had together. It was not like he was unpleasant company.
-- The two of them shared certain bonds, both unable to pass the professional exam yet, both more likely than not never would. Nase knew one day she would have to make Iijima's choice; but for now she would enjoy herself while she was still here, and made sure he did too.
It was Iijima's last week when he asked her out for lunch the next Saturday, since you know, I won't be coming on Sunday. Nase checked to make sure her schedule was clear, and then did not hesitate to say yes. It was just another form of those dinners, really.
And so it went on for about seven months before Nase paused and looked back, and realised that while she was not looking, these dates with Iijima had become something more, more than random hanging out with a friend. She now reserved Saturday afternoons for the occasional game of Go, or movies when one caught both of their interests, or sometimes just walking through the parks or streets or malls. They had great times together; it was comfortable, it was nice, and it settled her sporadic cravings to have fun like other girls her age did.
It was still difficult for Nase to date normal boys, who wanted to meet on Sundays to skate or sing karaoke or do other equally inane things, who looked at her blankly when she said she liked to play Go, who peeked up her skirt and stared when she drank from a can. But who needed that, when she could trounce somebody at a Go salon and compare notes afterwards, when she could relate an important match and do not have to explain every little triviality, when she could confidently wear a mini-skirt and know that she would always, always be seen as more than a pair of pretty legs?
Yes, it might be difficult to date normal boys, but when she had Iijima, Nase was contented not to.
Comments and critiques welcomed.