Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Rachel Jeantel...what?!?

Jul 17, 2013 12:40


"On Tuesday, radio host Tom Joyner offered Rachel Jeantel...a full ride to college."

Um, what?!

""I will help you get tutors to get you out of high school, tutors to help you pass the SAT, and I will give you a full-ride scholarship to any HBCU you'd like.""


What the hell has she done except lie and be friends with someone who got shot? Do we just give scholarships to friends of murder victims now? And not even scholarships because she's 19 and hasn't finished high school or take her SATs so...what?

Isn't it bad enough that people get to go to college for free because they're on welfare, have kids, or are illegal immigrants - now rude, hoodrats are going for free because...well just because, apparently.

"She found herself in an unforgiving spotlight of the nationally televised trial, during which viewers criticized her dress, her weight, her speech and her combative manner on the stand. She admitted to lying about her age and her reasons for skipping Martin's funeral."

Um no shit. Everyone is critiqued while on tv and she is no different except that she was rude, combative, and defensive. All she did was confirm that Trayvon was racist and got into fights often enough that she had "thought it was just a regular fight" - as opposed to what? A deadly fight? A gun fight? A knife fight? A fist fight?

I'm not saying Trayvon deserved to die - but I'm also not going to say he was a perfect innocent who played no part in his death. And now everyone is cashing in on his death: his parents are trademarking phrases and making "wrongful death" settlements, and now his "friend" is getting offers to go to college, free and clear.

Honestly though - What's next?


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