May 31, 2008 07:44
Wow, sometimes it still fully hasn't hit me that.. I'm actually in college already! Haha. School started last Monday and at first during the first day I was clueless with where to go and all cause I missed the LPEP.. I was still out of town that time. Thank God Mariella Uy is my blockmate, she showed me around with our classrooms and the different offices since I had to submit a few stuff. Its so different from what I'm used to for school but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I feel like we're so many in the block but maybe that's cause I'm not yet familiar with everyone. It's been cool though! My teachers seem pretty decent and my schedule isn't bad (first class at 11:20 everyday!). It's totally different from highschool but the Taft life has been pretty fun so far. :)