Just Relax

May 18, 2010 19:55

Title: Just Relax
Author: monimi101

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: Japan/Greece, Japan/Greece/Switzerland
POV: 3rd, Switzerland centric
Summary:  “You
could join us is you wanted to, Vash.” His breath is hot and wet, and Switzerland doesn’t think his personal space has ever been
quite so invaded. He can’t bring himself to mind. “We won’t tell anyone.” A hot
tongue licks his earlobe, and he jumps a little. His gun clatters to the floor.
“I promise,”
Author's Note: written for the Hetalia Kink Meme, un-beta'd

Switzerland exited the meeting with a smile,
politely declining Japan’s invitation to go out for drinks
afterwards. The two countries had pleasant relations, and had known each other
for quite a while, although they weren’t exactly close. Japan seemed fascinated with his
culture, and the blond nation really didn’t mind. It brought in tourist
dollars: some of them settled down and stayed.

There was something about the
dark-haired nation that Switzerland found relaxing. He didn’t raise
his voice or make illogical assumptions. He didn’t invade his personal space or
laze off randomly. He was a good trade partner, and their meetings were always
calm and orderly.

He had done well, this meeting,
too. Japan had agreed to buy more
pharmaceuticals from him than before, and the thought of it eased his mind.
Higher revenue was always good, yes, he nodded to himself, strolling leisurely
through Japan’s gardens.

He wondered why he didn’t come here
more often. The food was good, too, and Japan was never hesitant to give him
seconds. Reaching the guest room Japan had prepared for him, he sighed
happily, and reminded himself to schedule another visit soon.

It was already late, judging by the
moon, which was hanging full and heavy in the sky. He made sure all the doors
were closed before changing into his pajamas. Even if it was Japan, he didn’t want anyone to see how
frilly his nightclothes were.

When he wakes up, he’s extremely
thirsty. The paper doors of Japan’s house do nothing to filter out
the bright light of the nearly full moon, and his room is pleasantly
illuminated. He gets up roughly, still tired, and decides to try and find the
kitchen. He remembers it having a door to the outside, so outside he goes. He
grabs his handgun as he leaves, more out of habit than necessity.

As he makes his way around the
house, he peeks into each room, opening the door only a sliver. He feels a bit
guilty for the potential invasion of Japan’s privacy, but Japan has already given him an extensive
tour of the house, so he decides not to worry about it. The worst that could
happen, he thinks, is that he’ll see Japan sleeping, and he doesn’t get the
feeling that Japan would mind such a thing.

As he rounds the corner, he hears
something odd.

“Nnn…” It’s just the smallest
whisper of a sound, but Switzerland draws his gun anyways. He’s
reasonably sure it was nothing, but it never hurts to be safe. There’s a soft
rustling, and he almost thinks it’s his imagination. Nonetheless, he draws
closer to the source of the sounds.

“Come on, Kiku,” he hears a
familiar voice, but can’t quite place it. “He’d surely be asleep by now, so
there’s no harm in it.” This makes the hairs stand up on the back of his neck.
What are they planning to do now that he’s asleep? If this is some secret plan
to get pictures of his sleepwear again… It had been difficult to destroy the
evidence last time; he doesn’t want to have to do it again.

“I’ll think about it,” Japan whispers, meaning no. Switzerland is glad for the quick refusal,
whatever it is they’re planning, but the other country doesn’t seem to get it.

“What is there to think about?” he
probes. There is more rustling, and this makes the blond nation considerably
more worried than he should be. “I know you want to.” This pisses Switzerland off immensely. Making unreasonable
assumptions about people is one of the (many) things he hates in others.

“…next time.” Japan whispers quietly, and there’s a
catch in his voice that Switzerland finds quite alarming. He crouches
and opens the door just a slight bit. The sight before him is shocking.

Japan is leaned back on his hands, his
legs parted obscenely and his head tilted back. Between his legs, licking his neck, is another man,
tanned, with curly, dark hair. It’s the hair that tips Switzerland off to the identity of the man.
It’s Greece.

His head spins. The kind and gentle
Greece, with whom he has such good
relations, is trying to pressure innocent Kiku into such an obscene act?! He
stands up, and is about to burst into the room, when he remembers what he’s
wearing. He doesn’t want the two nations to see him in such attire. But at the
same time, can he really just stand by and wait?

While he’s wavering in indecision, a
deep moan comes from Japan’s mouth. Greece is caressing the smaller man’s
chest, and his knee seems to be in a quite indecent place, although Switzerland can’t be sure from his angle.
Looking again, it doesn’t really seem that Japan is being forced into anything.
(And, Switzerland reminds himself sternly, he is a neutral nation: even if they were
fighting, he would not choose sides.)

Greece licks wetly at Japan’s collarbone, and Japan sighs in contentment. “Heracles,”
he whispers, and in to way does it sound like a protest. Switzerland bites his lip, and he can feel the
blush on his face. To think that those two were in such a relationship!

Both of them are wearing loose
robes, but it seems that they are slipping off at a steady pace. “It’s been too
long,” Greece murmurs against Japan’s chest. “Since we were together
this way.” Japan smiles and nods, and this is all
the permission Greece needs. His head continues to
travel lower, nipping at Japan’s nipples as he gets to them,
causing the other nation to gasp and murmur. They way they move together is as
relaxed and comfortable as they always are. Switzerland had thought that Japan was a more innocent man, but this
seemed completely natural.

Before long, Greece’s head seems to be working on
something quite a bit lower indeed. Japan’s hands are fisted in the other
man’s hair now, his face is flushed. His toes curl and uncurl. Switzerland can hear every breath the
dark-haired nation takes, and feels himself responding to the sight. Japan moans quietly, his fingers tighten
in the other man’s hair. Just as he is about to come, he look directly at Switzerland.

“Are you enjoying the show, Vash?”
he asks politely, his voice only a bit husky. Switzerland feels like a deer caught in the
headlights. His face heats up, and he is painfully aware of how much the sight
has affected him. Greece turns around slowly, a strand of
saliva connecting his mouth to Japan’s… he can’t think about it.

“Ah, Vash was here,” Greece says, utterly unsurprised. “Did
you want to join us?” Switzerland opens his mouth, desperately
trying to find a way to explain what he’s doing there, watching them in the
middle of the night, as they…

Japan gets up, leaving the robe behind
him as he does, and walks towards the younger nation. Every nerve in Switzerland’s body is telling him to run,
escape this situation, and pretend it never happened. He doesn’t move. Japan opens to door fully, and presses
himself against the younger nation, draping his arms over Switzerland’s shoulders. His slim hip nudges
the blond nation’s crotch, reminding him how very interesting the scene was. Japan whispers in his ear, “You could
join us is you wanted to, Vash.” His breath is hot and wet, and Switzerland doesn’t think his personal space
has ever been quite so invaded. He can’t bring himself to mind. “We won’t tell
anyone.” A hot tongue licks his earlobe, and he jumps a little. His gun clatters
to the floor. “I promise,” Japan’s hips grind into his, “that it
will be worth your while.”

Vash doesn’t trust his voice not to
betray him, so he nods mutely. He can feel Kiku’s smile against his neck. The
older nation takes his hand and guides him to where Greece is still kneeling. Greece stands up. He’s much taller than
the other two men, and Vash is suddenly terrified. What is he getting himself
into? He’s only ever had sex with one person
but a few times, and now he’s in bed with two? He must have made a mistake!

But then Greece is kissing him, and it’s just so
warm and so nice… He forces himself to relax into the kiss. These are both his
friends. They are both good, kind people. They are people he can trust.
Moreover, he has excellent trade with both of them, and there’s no way he’ll do
anything to compromise that. Kiku nibbles at his neck, slim hands wrap around
his midsection. As Heracles’s thigh pushes between his, he remembers why he
agreed to this in the first place. Alright, he tells himself, trying to muster
his courage. I’m going to do this!

With determination, he wraps his
arms around the older man’s neck, kissing back fiercely.  Heracles is startled for a brief moment, and
then returns the passion. The kiss is hot and heavy, their tongues clashing.
Vash nips at the other man’s lip, viciously pleased at the small gasp it
elicits from the taller man. He feels Kiku giggle lightly into his neck.

“What?” he snaps, turning around to
face the Asian power. He’s not laughing at the pajamas, is he? Heracles takes
the opportunity to nibble on his neck, and he shudders at the sensation.

“I’m sorry,” Kiku apologizes. “I
was just thinking how nice it must be, to be so young.” Switzerland pauses for a moment, thinking.
It’s true, actually. No one, including Japan himself, know how old he is. Switzerland can still remember the day he got
his independence, he counts the years, and there are not too many.

Heracles’s hands move to unbutton
his shirt, and then Kiku is kissing him, a delicate hand on his cheek. Kiku’s
kisses are quite different from Heracles’s. There’s still a feeling of
relaxation, but Kiku has more patience, and is somehow more chaste, although
their tongues are still touching. This is a kiss to melt into, and Vash does.

The three of them sink to the floor
together, almost in slow motion. They are a pile of slender limbs, flushed
cheeks, and soft noises as they move together. Vash feels the older nations lay
him on his back and strip him of the nightwear that Liechtenstein made for him. He feels their
tongues and hands move over him. He feels Kiku run almost reverent hands over
his chest, feels the older nation’s soft lips on his skin. He feels Heracles’s
soft and eager lips on his thigh, the back of his knee, his ankle, his feet.

He starts when the tanned man takes
his second toe into his mouth. He lets out an embarrassingly loud moan, and he
can feel both sets of lips on him curl into smiles. Heracles sucks on the digit
slowly, and oh goodness, Vash had no idea such a thing could feel so good. His hands
grasp at the blankets beneath them; he bit his lip to keep from making more

Kiku’s hot breath is in his ear
again, those delicate fingers slip under his back. The words the other nation
speaks make no sense to him; he can’t focus on the little Japanese he knows
under these circumstances. Even so, the tone of the other man’s voice, and the
rhythm of the language gets to him in a way he hadn’t been expecting. They
hadn’t even touched his cock yet, but already it felt too intense, too much.

As if sensing his thoughts, Kiku
slips into Vash’s language for a moment, whispering to him, “It is okay for you
to simply feel, little one. Let go of yourself.” He wills himself to follow the
advice. “We can take you to places you could not reach on your own,” Kiku
continues, his fingers tracing hot trails up the younger man’s sides. “But only
if you let us.”

Greece licks the inside of his foot, and
Vash shudders, still biting his lip. He can feel blood well up where he broke
the skin. Kiku has returned to speaking in Japanese, and the torrent of words
seems to be carrying him away from himself. The sensations are too big for his
body, he can’t take all of this.

“You can,” Heracles whispers, his
voice hoarse. He crawls closer to the pale country, and Vash notices that the
taller nation has been touching himself as he watched his reactions. His blush
grows deeper, and deeper still when he sees Heracles lower his head towards his
vital regions. He pauses, his eyes asking permission. It occurs to Vash that he
could still back out, and neither nation would think less of him for it.

“Yes,” he whispers, his arousal
obvious in the tone of his voice. Heracles lowers his head, taking the head
into his mouth, and Vash’s hips twitch upwards. He has no idea how he’s been
able to stand being this hard for this long, but oh, the other nation’s mouth
feels so good. He has no idea how Kiku managed to stay so quiet, earlier.

“Ah, Ahhnnn…” he moans. Kiku’s
mouth is toying with his ear, licking and nibbling. Kiku’s hands seem to be all
over him, rubbing his nipples and stroking his back and-

He gasps sharply as a cold finger
touches his entrance. He looks down to see Heracles looking up at him, his
mouth still wrapped around his cock, and that’s it, he’s coming.

For a moment, he must fall half out
of consciousness, but only for a moment. When he comes to again, Heracles’s
finger is all the way inside him, and Kiku’s hardness is pressed against his

“Kiku,” he whispers. His voice
sounds too wonton, and it kind of pisses him off, but it’s hard to be angry
after such a satisfying orgasm, especially knowing that there’s more to come.
“Kiku, let me…” He brings his hand to the dark-haired nation’s cock, stroking
it roughly.

Kiku gasps and trembles a bit. “Oh,
I wasn’t expecting-“ he trails off as Vash continues. He knows that his motions
are rough and uncoordinated, and the angle is awkward, but Kiku doesn’t seem to
mind. He kisses Vash’s shoulder wetly, since it’s close to his mouth, and Vash
think it feels strange, but not really bad. Heracles bends the finger inside
him gently, and Vash moans deeply. He had almost forgotten about that. His cock
is starting to twitch back to life, and he notices that Heracles is still
stroking himself lazily.

“Ah, Kiku, I want…” he struggles up
onto all fours, angling to bring his lips to the Asian nation’s erection. Heracles’s
finger slips out of him in the process, and he almost misses it.

“You don’t have to-nnnngh.” Kiku’s
mild objection dissolves as Vash licks his cock wetly. He’s only done this once
before, and he was piss drunk at the time, so he’s sure he’s no good at it,
but… He takes the head into his mouth, licking it cautiously. He has to admit,
he doesn’t dislike the taste. Kiku moans softly above him.

Something warm and wet pokes at
Vash’s hole, and he cries out a bit, unsure at whether it was because of the
shock or how good it felt. He turns
around quickly, to see Heracles, his face bent to… He turns bright red.
Something like this-

“Ah, Ahhnnnn, haah… fuck.”
Heracles’s tongue plays with his entrance, not going inside, but simply
circling around. Vash’s breath comes in harsh gasps, now. Something like this…

“Are you going to continue?” Kiku
asks, still splayed in front of him. Vash’s breath catches at the sight. He
hadn’t realized how beautiful the other man was. Heracles is still tonguing
him, and fuck, it’s driving him crazy, but he lowers his head anyways,

Kiku’s hips jerk up sharply, and
Vash almost gags. He brings his hand up, jerking the other nation roughly while
he licks at the head. It doesn’t take long before the other nation comes, the
sticky fluids landing across Vash’s face messily. Heracles’s tongue dips inside
him, and he drops to his elbows, his whole body shuddering.

Kiku wipes his face with someone’s
robe, seemingly not caring whether it’s his of Heracles’s.

“You’re so beautiful, like this,”
he whispers. Vash can only gasp.

Kiku vanishes from his vision, and
moments later, a slick finger enters him alongside Heracles’s tongue. An uneven
cry passes Vash’s lips. His fingers curl into the blankets, his eyes screw
shut. He can feel the sweat dipping from his nose to the blankets below.

Another finger is added, as well as
a rough hand about his balls. He can’t contain the stream of embarrassing
sounds that flow from his lips any more. Heracles’s tongue leaves him, and he
groans at the loss, but then there’s a third finger, and oh shit, they know
what they’re doing. They press against parts of him he didn’t eve know he had,
make him writhe and whine. He’s so close…

The fingers are replaced by
something thicker and longer, and he hears Heracles groan deeply. His breaths
are coarse and shallow and fast now, each exhale a moan. He can feel a bit of
saliva run down his chin, but he doesn’t care, this feeling-!

Heracles pushes in deeper as Kiku’s
fingers flutter over him, his sides, his back, his neck, his thighs.

“A-Are you alright?” Heracles asks,
his voice deep and husky. Somehow, that tone of voice is as sexy as anything
else he’s felt today, and Vash’s hips twitch.

“Y-Yeah,” he pants, his back tensed
like an elastic about to snap. Heracles rolls his hips, and Vash cries out at
the feel of it. The taller man thrusts again, and a third time, and before
long, Vash is meeting each thrust. Heracles’s hands grip his hips tightly, sure
to leave bruises. He doesn’t know when his chin and chest became level with the
floor, and he doesn’t care. This act, this moment, are all he can think about.
He almost doesn’t notice when Heracles’s hips pause in their rhythm. The other
nation groans deeply, and Kiku makes an appreciative noise.

When it starts again, the rhythm is
different, syncopated, but Vash doesn’t notice. All he notices is the delicious
pressure, the force behind him. He rolls his hips to meet each thrust, reveling
in the closeness. Kiku’s hands skitter across his hips, and then Heracles is
curled over his back, coming, biting into Vash’s back. Kiku’s hands bring the
blond nation to his second orgasm as Heracles pulls out. He comes with a
whimper, and collapses to the bed, exhausted.

The first thing Switzerland notices when he wakes up is that
he’s naked. He never sleeps naked. His eyes shoot open and he jerks himself
upright, reaching for his gun. Where his gun should be, there is another man’s
shoulder instead. Equally naked.

For a minute he panics, not
remembering the night before. Then Greece looks up at him, still
half-asleep, and smiles, and he remembers all of it. He blushes deeply.

“G-morning, Vash,” Heracles says
lazily. “How are you feeling?”

“I-I’m fine,” Vash stammers, looking

“Do you want help with that?” the
other asks, looking pointedly at his morning wood.

“I-I-I can deal with that just fin
on m-ahhhhnn…” his objection dissolves into a moan as the taller nation licks
up his length. “I-If you must,” he concedes, trying to keep his dignity.
Heracles licks his lips and continues.

Kiku arrives just as Vash comes, a
half-moan caught in his throat.

“I was going to invite you to
breakfast,” Kiku says mildly. “But I see you’ve already eaten.” He looks at
Heracles. Vash’s blush deepens.

“I’m still hungry, though,”
Heracles says, getting up and stretching widely.

“Please put something on,” Kiku

“But both of you have seen it
already,” Heracles complains, following his lover to the kitchen. Vash smiles,
and wonders what he’s gotten into.

japan, switzerland, hetalia, greece, pwp

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