It All Breaks Down at the Role Reversal

Aug 03, 2009 22:44

Title: It All Breaks Down at the Role Reversal
Fandom: Star Trek
Pairing: Kirk/Sulu/Chekov
POV: 3rd
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: DP, threesome (obviously)
Summary: I wanted to write a DP involving Sulu. I am not sure why, but I did. I claim this prompt as an excuse.
A/N: beta'd by the wonderful

Sometimes, Sulu gets that feeling. A masochistic need to feel another man’s skin on his own, to be dominated completely. It's a rare need. Most of the time, he’d rather be in charge. Seeing Pavel writhe beneath him, feeling that heat, should be enough. To be honest, those little mewls are more than enough. Most of the time.

But there are days when he needs to be dominated. He doesn’t talk about it. He doesn’t act on it. He tries not to think about it, let's it pass, until he can go about life as normal. That doesn’t mean he succeeds. Tonight, for the first time in months, those thoughts are racing through his head. Thoughts of being filled, being pounded into the mattress until he can’t take it any more. It makes him feel filthy, but that doesn't stop his mind wandering. He decides to go to an exercise room and fence. Maybe it'll be easier to fall asleep when he’s exhausted.

He doesn’t count on the Captain being there, watching him. This happens sometimes. The Captain likes knowing what’s going on with his crew, likes being involved in their lives. But feeling that man’s eyes on him as he faces his imagined enemies doesn’t help. He tries to keep the faceless man in his fantasies from becoming the Captain. He can’t let himself think about that. He’s with Pavel now. Pavel, who is sweet and wonderful and everything he wants, almost everything that he wants. Except this.

But he does think it; fantasies of the Captain that he knows could be fulfilled.

He has ears; he knows about the Captain’s exploits. He’s seen various crew members, of both genders, stumble out of the Captain’s quarters when the rest of the ship is sleeping.

The other man’s eyes seem to burn holes in him. He knows that it’s a benevolent presence. But he can't help wishing that it weren't. That just tonight, the predatory gleam in the Captain’s eyes was directed at him. He shakes his head, stopping his exercises for a minute. No, he can’t think about this. It’s wrong, and it’s filthy, and he cannot, will not, cheat on Pavel.

“What’s wrong?” the Captain’s voice rings out. Sulu stops himself from turning around.

“All tonight you’ve been off, even during our shift,” the Captain says, with friendly concern. “And now you just stop all the sudden. Is something bothering you?”

“It’s nothing, Captain,” Sulu says, heading for the changing rooms. He hears the Captain follow him, and tries not to let fantasies spring to his head. He just has to get himself to sleep. He’ll wake up tomorrow, and everything will be back to normal.

“Come on, don’t be like that,” the Captain says, softer now. “Obviously something is wrong. Tell me about it.”

“It’s nothing you need concern yourself with, Captain,” he replies coldly, removing his helmet. Hoping the Captain can take a hint and leave it at that.

“Are you fighting with Ensign Chekov or something?” the Captain asks, getting closer. Sulu still doesn’t look at him, but he knows how many steps lie between himself and the other man. “Come on, I’m not just the Captain, I’m your friend, too.”

“If that’s true, you’ll leave it alone,” he states, his voice clipped.

Kirk grabs his shoulder and turns him around forcefully. He gasps, just a little, and looks away. “Sulu?” Kirk says. He’s so close, Sulu can feel his body heat. He wants to run away, hide in his and Pavel’s quarters. To be anywhere the Captain’s heavy scent can't follow.

“Sulu, what’s going on?” the Captain’s voice is getting stricter, slipping into his commanding tones. Sulu feels a shiver run up his spine. He shouldn’t want this so badly. The Captain puts a hand on his jaw, makes him look at him.

“Captain, please,” he murmurs, still avoiding his eyes. “Let it go.” His voice is needy and it makes him burn with shame.

“Is there anything I can do?” the Captain asks.

"Yes, there is. Please, Captain, fuck me," he wants to say, but he bites his tongue. It’s not until a slow smirk creeps across the Captain’s face that he realizes he was too late in stopping the words from escaping.

He breaks away and walks to his quarters as quickly as possible, wishing he could drop pretense and sprint, his face still burning. He’s praying to Gods he doesn’t even believe in that the Captain will drop it. Pretend he never said anything, that today didn’t happen. But when he steps into his quarters, there’s another set of footsteps behind him. It can't be Pavel; he's spending the afternoon pouring over enginering diagrams with Scotty.

“Please,” he says, his voice breaking just a bit. “Pretend I didn’t say that. Just leave.”

“After hearing something like that come out of your mouth?” the Captain says, his voice distinctly predatory.

This is going too far. He can feel himself getting hard, can picture this as clearly as his fantasies. He’s feeling more conflicted than he ever has. He wants it so badly, but at the same time he cherishes what he has with Pavel so much, he can’t.

The Captain walks towards him slowly, each step making Sulu’s heart race faster. This is not good. This is not good. A pair of arms wrap around him from behind, smoothly slipping up his shirt. His breath hitches.

“I had no idea,” Kirk says, breath hot and punctuated by a nip at the lobe that almost makes him moan. “That you wanted this.”

He wants to say, "But I don’t, this is wrong."

Again, his voice betrays him. He whispers, almost too quietly to hear, “Please…”


Pavel knows what he’ll find when he returns to his quarters. He and Hikaru had fallen into a comfortable routine long ago. Hikaru will be in bed reading, nude, trying to stay awake. When he enters, the other man’s head will perk up and he’ll say, smoothly, “Hey, Pavel. Anything interesting happen today?”

The answer is no, as per usual, but they’ll sit in bed and talk about things for a few hours, discussing Scotty’s theories and new discoveries and their preferences on movies or books. And then they’ll snuggle together and fall asleep to the sound of each other’s breathing. When he wakes up tomorrow morning, Hikaru’s bright eyes and warm smile will be the first thing he sees. He smiles at the thought of it.

When the door slides open, the smile drops off his face instantly. The PADD he was carrying falls to the floor.

“Ahh, ahh!” his lover moans as the Captain pounds into him. “Please, Captain. Harder.” His hips roll up to meet each thrust; his face is contorted with pleasure.

“Hikaru,” he says, and he’s not sure if it was a whisper or a shout, but Hikaru stills instantly, and looks at him, wild eyed. Kirk takes a hint and looks over to the door.

“Pavel, oh fuck, I’m so sorry,” Sulu starts babbling. Chekov is stunned. How could he? He thought they were in love. Still, he can't stop his cock twitching at the sight.

“Chekov…” the Captain starts, and then stops. Chekov glares at him. He knew they were together, and still he does this?

Then an evil gleam shines him the Captain’s eyes, and he flips them over so Hikaru is on top. The pilot makes a startled noise. Pavel feels a blush spread across his cheeks. He’s loath to admit it, but seeing Hikaru like that…

“Hey, Pavel,” the Captain says, sounding for all the world like they’re just meeting in the corridors and he’s not deep inside the ensign’s lover. “Come over here. I think there’s room for two.”

Hikaru’s eyes widen, and he looks at Pavel like a deer in the headlights. Chekov finds himself wondering if it’s true. The Captain puts two fingers into Hikaru’s mouth and thrusts upwards.

The view, oh fuck. Pavel finds himself walking towards the bed, coherent thought leaving him. Hikaru is still looking at him with wild eyes but he rolls his hips down to meet each thrust, as if his body is functioning separately from his mind.

When Kirk starts trying to slide his fingers in, along side his cock, Pavel bats his hand away.

“I’ll do it,” he says, his voice quiet and rough. Hikaru’s eyes are a question, and he nods as he strips quickly. He sits on the bed and lubes up his fingers. The two men on the bed are still, Kirk watching him, Hikaru’s eyes sliding closed.

Pavel thinks it’s good, this time, that his fingers are so slim and long. While it would be a lie to say easily, he does get one in. Hikaru gasps, and he can see the Captain fighting not to buck his hips. He feels powerful.

When he slides in the second finger, Hikaru lets out a shuddering moan, his face falling to Kirk’s shoulder as he breathes heavily. Pavel is achingly hard now, his breathing shallow. He feels like any noise he makes will break the spell, and he’ll wake up. It’s almost a comforting thought.

He starts moving his fingers hesitantly. It’s hot, and tight, and he’s still not entirely sure this is going to work. He decides that if it doesn’t, he’s kicking the Captain out of the room and fucking Hikaru. But Hikaru is taking it, and his harsh breathing is turning into little gasps and moans.

Kirk’s head has fallen back, his eyes squeezed shut and a bright flush across his cheeks. Pavel remembers the days when he would have given anything to be with the Captain so intimately as he adds a third finger, listening to the long moan that leaves Hikaru’s lips.

“Ahhh, fuck, please,” Hikaru gasps. “Please, Pavel, just…” And Pavel never thought he’d hear the pilot beg like that, thought he would always be the one begging. The reversal is thrilling. He removes his fingers slowly, and Hikaru shudders. He lubes himself up quickly, trembling with excitement.

As he lines himself up, a shot of worry seeps through him. This won’t work. There is not room for two. He pushes in anyways.

He can't hear himself growl, but he can feel it. Every time Hikaru exhales, it’s a quiet moan, and there are tears in his eyes. Kirk is biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. It’s tighter than he could ever have imagined. It’s almost on the wrong side of the pleasure and discomfort, but not quite. He doesn’t think he’s ever been more turned on in his life. When he’s all the way inside, all three of them are still for a minute, adjusting. Their sweat mingles and, without meaning to, their breathing falls in sync.

After a minute Hikaru whispers, almost too quietly, “Please.” Pavel’s hips jerk, their moans mingling together, and then Kirk is moving too, and holy shit, this is just. Too much.

Their thrusting is, to be honest, erratic and shallow, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Hikaru bites into Kirk’s shoulder, hard, which makes Kirk drive into him just a bit faster and deeper, a deep growl escaping his throat. Pavel can hear himself speaking, unsure if it’s in Standard or Russian, or even what he’s saying, but fuck. He’s never been this turned on in his entire life.

Hikaru comes first, with a harsh wail, and his spasms send Pavel and Kirk to the edge quickly. The Captain pulls out as he comes; Pavel doesn’t. When all three of them are spent, it takes the last of his strength to reclaim Hikaru by pulling off the captain's chest.

They fall asleep almost instantly, their limbs tangled together.


When Hikaru wakes up, it is to the familiar sight of Pavel’s soft, still sleeping face. But the weight of a muscular arm over him is not so familiar. For a minute he has no idea who it is, and he’s so tired and spent, he doesn’t feel like turning over to find out. Then he remembers the events of last night. He can’t stop a huge grin from forming on his face. He’s never been so full, but fuck it was good.

“Sulu, you awake?” the Captain’s voice asks blearily from behind him.

“Yeah,” he says softly. Pavel scrunches up his eyes like he always does when he’s about to wake up.

“Are you okay?” he asks, real concern in his voice. “I mean, that was okay, right?” Sulu laughs softly.

“That was more than okay,” he says. “That was excellent.” He can feel the Captain’s sigh of relief on his shoulder.

“Okay, good,” he says, sitting up. “I’ll give you the day off. If you need more time than that, just let me know.” For a split second, Sulu has no idea why that would be necessary. Then he thinks about sitting up, and realizes that probably isn’t going to happen.

“Thanks,” he says, as the Captain crawls off the bed to pull his pants on.

“As if I’d make you work after something like that,” the Captain scoffs, pulling his boots on.

“No, for last night,” Sulu says. He’s still just watching Pavel, who’s pretending to sleep.

“No problem,” Kirk says, and though Sulu isn’t looking at him, he knows that he’s smirking. When the door slides shut after he leaves, Pavel opens his eyes.

“Hey, Pavel,” he says, “Anything interesting happen today?” As if the last few hours hadn’t happened, and Pavel was just getting back from engineering. Pavel grins widely. They both start laughing loudly, until tears of mirth are streaming down their cheeks.

sulu, star trek, chekov, kirk, pwp

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