A Cold Welcome (2/2)

Mar 01, 2009 02:10

Title: A Cold Welcome
Author: monimi101 
Pairing: Pete/Mikey/Beckett, implications of Ville/Mikey
POV: 3rd, Mikey-centric
Rating: R
Warnings: PWP, mansex, semi-noncon, in a cultverse kind of way, bondage, ice play, general creepishness. (Gets more hardcore in this chapter.)
Summary: Getting drunk at Pete's parties is never really a good idea. To be honest, they're kind of suspicious. None the less, everyone he knows is there, and what else would he do on a fine Saturday night off like this?Waitaf*ckingminutesthat'swaytoocold!
Disclaimer: So totally and completely not real. At all. In any way. It's not even all that realistic or in character, to be honest.
Author's Note's: Not beta'd, regrettably. If you notice any horrible mistakes, please let me know. Dedicated to disintrist for suggesting this all those months ago on that kinky porn meme...

He felt warm breath on his ear, and heard some sort of words. He felt the cool steel of handcuffs on his wrists, and the discomfort of his shoulders. He felt the leather cuffs around his ankles and the wet trail of Bill’s mouth on his leg. But all of that became secondary when Bill’s hot, warm mouth closed around the head of his cock. He did not think he’d ever felt so good. Every nerve in his body was on end, with a strange mixture of fear and arousal. Every sensation was heightened, exaggerated. At the same time, his mind was screaming two messages at him: one was to run away, to use any means possible to escape this situation, this mess of whispers and bindings and sex he’d found himself in. The other was telling him to give in, to let himself be lost in the wonderful sensation of Beckett’s mouth.

Between those two, he failed to notice the third message entering his mind, stealthily moving from Pete’s breath in his ear to the core of his being.

He felt a long set of fingers cup his ass, and heard himself moan, a long, low sound, a sound made of nothing but lust. Bill laughed a bit around his cock, and the sensation was wonderful, and he could hear himself saying something, and he wasn’t sure if he was begging for something or just repeating what Pete told him.

He felt a long finger slide into his ass, and moved his hips sharply upwards, trying to get away, but in the process, thrusting hard into Bill’s mouth. The brunette didn’t’ seem to mind at all, and just swallowed around him, began humming quietly, and Mikey could hear himself making a horribly embarrassing sound, too high and too rough. The rhythm of Bill’s song matched Pete’s words perfectly, and it was as if it was a song, a song he’d heard a million times, but he knew this was different. Yes, these words were entirely unlike any words he’d heard before, and he wanted to know what they were, so badly, but he just couldn’t get his mind to stick to them, and he wasn’t sure if it was because of Bill’s mouth around his cock or if they were just not in English at all.

Beckett’s finger was still in his ass, and shit, it actually felt really good. It reminded him of another time, a time with dark hair on his shoulder and a steady motion, a certain… The words in his ear gained a dimension of anger, and Bill somehow hollowed his cheeks and hummed louder, and Mikey couldn’t help but to cry out and buck his hips, and then, just as he was on the brink, the wonderful feeling of Bill’s mouth was gone, as were his fingers, and he was left with only Pete’s words for a few painful moments. Even though he should have been able to decipher them now, they were still completely bypassing his consciousness, going straight to his core, infiltrating his morals and maybe even his soul…

He felt something cold at his entrance. Something oh-my-god unbearably cold, and everything in him retracted away from it, but he was still bound, tied down completely, so the thing entered him, slowly, steadily, and holy fuck. He cried out a bit, a kind of strangled noise, and maybe a tear soaked into the bandana, and the icy thing slid into him, thick and hard and cold cold cold. Inch after inch, and just when oh my god, he was about to burst, Beckett licked his cock, from base to tip, and the ice thing hit something and he screamed.

Pete’s words were faster and faster in his ear, he was arched and writhing on the bed. He wasn’t thinking any more, he couldn’t thing any more, all he could do was feel. At once, he wanted to get away, for away, from this freezing cold penetration in him; and he wanted to move back onto it, to let it hit that secret, inside place on him, again and again. Beckett moved it smoothly out, until it was almost out entirely, and then thrust it back in, quickly this time, mercilessly/ Mikey cried out, he could feel tears leaking from his eyes, he could feel himself, about to explode, a burning pressure in his chest, his head, his abdomen.

Bill’s mouth kept moving on him, up and down, and the icy penetration kept moving, harshly, quickly, hitting that spot every time, and Mikey was sure he’d never felt anything so extreme, so… He couldn’t even find the word but- Oh-my-fuck!

He felt a white heat rise up in him, and when he was sure he was about to come, Bill withdrew his mouth and used the hand not occupied with the icy thing to clamp around his base, holding him off. He heard himself, screaming, moaning, begging, a stream of incoherent mess flowing from his mouth, anything to get this to keep going, to let him come, to let him finally understand Pete’s words.

The ice kept moving inside of him, getting even faster, if possible, and maybe if he’d been able to think, he would have noticed it too, went to rhythm to Pete’s flow of words, of meaning. Bill bit his inner thighs a few times, a different place each time, and oh my god, fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck-!

Bill’s hand released him, and the ice slammed into him once more. His back arched even farther, if possible, and his came, harder than he ever had, tasted it falling in his mouth.

Pete kissed him hungrily, and Mikey returned it enthusiastically. The ice was withdrawn from him, and he could feel the cold water from where it had melted a bit running out of him, wetting the sheets. After his pulse started to slow, Pete broke from the kiss and untied the blindfold. His arms and legs were freed. His glasses, having fallen to the floor on the way in, were found and placed gently on the night table as Bill left the room quietly.

Pete looked at him meaningfully, and said, simply, calmly, “Welcome.”

porn, mikey way, pete wentz, ice, cultverse, william beckett

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