Tell Me That You Wanna Take Me

Jul 23, 2008 00:39

Title: Tell Me That You Wanna Take Me
Author: monimi101
Rating: NC-17, for sure.
Pairing: Gabe Saporta / Danny Stevens (The Audition)
POV: 3rd, Danny-centric
Summary: Because Danny has always been a bit more curious than he should be.
Disclaimer: totally and completely untrue, unlikely, and impossible. I don't think I even got their personalities right... Title is from The Audition's Heaven for the Weather.
Author's Note: This was sort of awkward, since normally, I know more about the people I'm writing about than I do about Danny... But the Audition really needs more love, so I did it anyways. Beta'd by the person I stole this account from, my bff. ^.^

It had been about an hour since the show, but Danny could still feel the adrenaline pulsing in his veins. Then again, it might have been the beer, large quantities of which had been brought in by some friend of William’s. Maybe more than a friend really, judging by the way the longhaired singer was draped over him. There was something about him than Danny just didn’t like. Maybe it was the fact that he was actually as tall and skinny as Bill, maybe even more so. Maybe it was the obscene way his purple sweater clung to him. Maybe it was that snake-like aura he had, the slithery way he moved. Whatever it was, Danny didn’t trust him. Not one bit.

He did trust the beer he’d brought pretty well, though. Three cans had convinced him thoroughly that it was good beer, and not to be wasted. So he most certainly was not wasting the beer.

“Man, you’re really downing that stuff, aren’t you?” A light voice asked beside him. “Do you always drink that much?” He turned to see a frizzy, strawberry afro, sitting atop a reasonably normal-looking person.

“Not really, I just didn’t want to waste it,” the older guy replied lightly. “Who’s that?” He gestured vaguely at the snake-like man Bill was sitting on.

“Dude, that’s William Beckett! You’ve been hanging out with him for the last month!” The strawberry-haired man gasped and laughed. “You must be really out of it.”

“No, no…” He gestured again. “The one under him.”

“Ohhh, that’s Gabe.” He giggled. “Maybe I’m the one that’s had a bit too much.”

“Gabe?” The name sounded a bit familiar.

“Yeah, Gabriel Saporta.” He said. “Him and Bill are something like together, I’m not really sure how it works. Bill won’t admit to anything, though.”

Danny remembered, suddenly, where he’d heard the name before.

“Hey, Bill!” He’d called into the bunks. “You can’t just hang out back there while we’re trying to have a party, man!”

“Don’t bother, he’s talking to his boyfriend.” The Butcher aid mockingly. “He won’t be leaving there until the damn snake hangs up.”

“The hell are you talking about?” He walked into the bunks area, wondering which one was Bill’s. And then, he heard something. Something like a moan, maybe. Coming from his left.

“Well?” A very breathless voice murmured. “What would you do next, if you’re so great?” A pause, rough breathing. A half-gasp. “Yeah… I can feel it, Gabe.” Another moan, and that was all Danny needed to hear. He left the bunks alone, after that.

“Why’re you blushing so hard, Dan?” the strawberry- Sisky! That was his name!- asked, his voice teasing. “Did you think Bill was actually as straight as he lets us think?”

“Uh, no…” He willed the blush to go away, which didn’t work too well, as he could see Gabe whispering something in Bill’s ear. As he was wondering, despite himself, what sort of words this guy must be full of, to get noises like that out of Bill. As he could still sort of hear those noises ringing in his ears. He took another swig of beer.

“What, you aren’t either, then?” Sisky taunted. “I wouldn’t have thought that, for all your talk of girls.”

“No, I’m definitely straight.” Danny shot back, somewhat less steadily than planned. “I have a girlfriend waiting for me back home.”

“That’s good.” Sisky said, almost hesitantly.

“Hey!” The Butcher shouted. “Any of you pussies want to have a drinking contest?”

Having nothing better to do, aside from watch Bill and Gabe, which wasn’t better at all, Danny volunteered. “I’ll take you on, bitch! I’ll beat you so bad, you’ll look like you’re strait-edge!”

“Oh, it’s on!” Within minutes, they were sitting at the table, surrounded by their bands, with the somewhat surprising inclusion of Bill and Gabe. Across the table, Danny accidentally made eye contact with the freakishly tall guy. Somehow, the look in the older man’s eye gave him shivers. The scariest part was, that wasn’t such a bad feeling.

“Ready…” Bill called energetically. There was a massive number of beer cans in front of them. “Set…” They each picked one up. “GO!!!” Pop and drink, pop and drink, pop and drink. Even going as fast as he could, Danny could see the pile in front of his opponent growing faster. Pop and drink, pop and drink, pop and drink.

Within the space of fifteen, twenty minutes, the pile of drink in front of them was gone. Danny was feeling a bit sick. And more than a bit energetic. Bill went to count the cans, but lost count before he reached five, and fell over giggling. Everyone was laughing, too.

“Man, you’re really stupid sometimes.” Gabe said humourously.

“Am not!”

“Says the guy who can’t even count to five!” Danny teased, sitting on the ground beside him, tapping his fingers idly on the floor.

“I can too!” Bill protested loudly.

“Do it,” Sisky said, his eyes alight.

“I will!” Bill said, sitting up and looking down his nose at his bassist, which was rather impressive, as he was sitting on the ground, and Sisky was not.


“Yeah!” There was a bit of silence as everyone waited for Bill’s attempt at counting. He looked around, sort of confused. “…Oh, right!”

“One… Two… Three…” And then Gabe sat in his lap, straddling him. “Hey!” Bill objected loudly. “I’m trying to do something!”

“What are you trying to do?” Gabe asked, his voice low and soft. Danny got the feeling that having someone like that sit on you would be reasonably distracting.

“Umm…” Bill pondered. “I don’t know! You got me all distracted!” He pouted and looked up at the snake-like guy through his eyelashes.

“Now, that’s not very fair.” Gabe whispered, so Danny could just barely hear it. “I was only getting myself comfortable.”

“But…” Gabe’s hand slipped up the other singers shirt, and then Bill made this weird little noise and blushed. And all Danny could think about was wondering what Gabe had done, what sort of things he could do with those long fingers that got him such a reaction.

He realized, maybe a bit late, that the other guys were already back on the couches, talking about something. And that he was just about fine where he was. His fingers were still drumming a rhythm on the kitchen area’s floor. Heaven For the Weather, he thinks.

And then there was this sickening Whump! From in front of him, and he looked up to see Bill’s head hit the bench, probably a hot harder than it should. Gabe looked startled and amused.

“Well, pretty little thing never could hold his liquor.” He said. He stood up and picked up the unconscious William, carrying him back to the bunks.

“What’re you doing over there, Danny?” The Butcher asked raucously. “Too ashamed of losing to come sit with us?” The guys laughed, and Danny got up quickly, stumbling a bit before gaining his balance. Everyone looked a bit more colourful, now. A bit faster and more vivid.

“Dance for us, Danny!” Sisky shouted, looking excited, “Dance!” The other guys agreed quickly.

“Dance!” The Butcher commanded. “As the winner of our game, I command you to dance!”

“But I can’t dance!” Danny protested weakly. “I’m not a dancer!”

“Dance for us!” Sisky insisted.


“Come on, dance.” Gabe said from the door to the bunk area, and there’s this weird light in his eyes, like he knows that Danny is sort of maybe watching him, and really, Danny’s not too sure he likes that idea. Not at all. Someone hits the play button on the boom box, and Gabe’s voice comes on, loud and clear.

Uh-huh, holy shit

It's about time you get off my dick

Despite his previous protests, Danny was still full of energy, and started dancing anyways. The beat was pretty good, he could do this. Or rather, that’s what he thought, until he tripped over a beer and fell, landing on top of a completely unsuspecting Butcher.

“Get offa me, bitch!” The Butcher shouted jokingly.

That's right girl, you can't deny this

Your knees is all scratched up

“Shut up!” He replied, and continued dancing, despite being on top of the Butcher, who tolerated it for a little while, before pushing him towards Gabe.

“Don’t dance on me!” He shouted. Everyone laughed. “Go get someone who’s actually interested in that sort of thing!”

“Hey, what makes you think..” Gabe objected weakly, smiling.

“Don’t act innocent, we saw what Bill was doing to you before the show!” Danny jokingly danced on the snake-like guy, laughing all the while. And was reasonably surprised when the taller guy’s hand lands on his hip and he starts dancing along.

(Ooh oo) This is my shit, this is my shit

(Ooh oo) This is my shit, this is my shit

Within moments, the song was over, and Danny fell dramatically to the floor. Everyone laughed loudly, making jeers.

“Oooh, Bill’s gonna be jealous!”

“And you’re always singing about the chicks.”

“Gabe, you play-ah!”

“Aww, shut up!” Danny shot back, trying to glare, but collapsing into a fir of giggles.

“You know you liked it!” Gabe teased loudly. “Don’t deny it!”

“No I didn’t!” Danny shouted up at him.

“Reaaally?” the older guy asked, raising an eyebrow.



“Really!” Danny shouted, smiling widely.

And then Gabe sat on his lap, much like he’d done with Bill, and nudged his hips forwards, just a little.

“Nng.” It was just a tiny little noise, almost inaudible, even to Gabe. Regrettably, Gabe did hear it.

“I knew it!” He shouted, throwing an arm around Danny’s shoulders. “He did like it!”

The guys all laughed. Gabe got up, somewhat reluctantly. Danny stayed on the floor, blushing a little bit. “Did not…” He muttered, way too late.

“Right.” Sisky rolled his eyes.

It was five in the morning, and the sun was just about to rise. The sky was tinted with a light bluish gray in the east, an altogether unattractive colour. Danny was outside, leaning against his bus, smoking. He’d been trying for the past two hours to get some sleep, but he just couldn’t. Weird things kept popping into his mind. What am I going to eat for breakfast tomorrow? He knew it was a silly question. He wouldn’t be up for breakfast, after a late night like this. What’s the name of the next town we’re playing? He knew someone would tell him, he didn’t have to worry about that. Gabe…? That, he didn’t know. It wasn’t a question, really, or even a statement. He wasn’t really anything, which did nothing to explain the distant tingle he felt in his toes and thighs whenever he thought of him. There was no reason for this. It just sort of… Was.

“Hey there, stranger.” A not-quite-familiar voice said from the shadows. A light tingle ran from his toes to his thighs, and then Gabe stepped out of the shadows. “Sorry about yesterday, I suppose.”

“It was only a few hours ago.” Danny replied, not acknowledging the halfhearted apology.

“Yeah, but a few hours ago, it was another day, was it not?” Gabe said, a snake-like smile on his face.

“No, I think it was still one thirty in the morning.” Danny replied, grinning. “Want a smoke?”

“Yeah, sure.” Gabe replied, taking the offered cig all too elegantly for someone who had been awake for what was probably more than twenty-four hours, after his flight here.

He took a drag, and offered it back, but the younger man already had another one lit up.

“So, what are you doing, up at this hour?” He asked, conversationally.

“Just walking around.” Gabe replied ambiguously. “I like the times like this, when no one’s up and about.”

“Yeah, it’s not too often you get a quiet like this on tour.” Danny agreed. The streetlamps started flickering out, one by one, in the pre-dawn light. The sun began peeking up over the buildings, almost white.

“I don’t really feel like all that light.” He said, stamping his half-finished cigarette out. “I’m going to see if I can get some sleep.”

“Mind if I come in with you?” Gabe inquired softly. The sun reflected off his eyes, making them seem to shine from within.

“Yeah, sure.” It wouldn’t kill him to stay up for a little while longer, he decided.

“Thanks.” Gabe said, dropping the cigarette butt and ignoring it. The shorter man unlocked his bus, holding the door open for the giant.

He sat lazily on the couch, and Gabe plopped down beside him.

“So are you and Bill really a thing?” Danny asked, curious.

“Not really.” Gabe replied. “I’d be cool with it, if that’s what he wanted, but he doesn’t really want a commitment.”

“That’s sort of…”

“No, I like it this way.” Gabe stated, cutting off the shorter guy. “Let’s me keep my opportunities open.” And then that weird light in his eyes got a little brighter, and he got a little closer, and before Danny could stop and think about it, he placed his lips over those of the taller man, kissing him softly, questioningly.

Gabe smiled into the kiss, and placed a hand on the back of the younger man’s neck, bringing him just a bit closer, licking his lip.

Danny kissed back, not having realized how much he missed the intimacy. But this was so much different from kissing his girlfriend. It was a dance with two leaders. Gabe’s hand was stronger, there was stubble on his chin. Somehow, the roughness made it seem all that much more real.

He let his hands drift to the snake-like man’s hips. They were as skinny as his girl’s, but firmer. Gabe’s other hand circled his back, bringing him closer still, until they were almost chest to chest. His tongue was in the younger man’s mouth, and god, it was sort of wonderful. And Danny definitely didn’t think his girlfriend would approve of this; he didn’t even think he would, in a few hours.

But right now, there was nothing he wanted more. He brought one leg over the other’s, bringing their hips together. And yeah, this was a whole lot different from being with a chick, he didn’t think it was even fair to compare them, at this point. Because really, there was nothing feminine about Gabe. Nothing girly about the way his tongue caressed his lips, or the strange patterns his fingers traced on his back, his hand slowly getting further up his shirt.

And then those fingers got to a more sensitive spot on him, and he bit Gabe’s lip to keep from making some sort of girly noise, and yeah, this must have been what he’d done to Bill, earlier. And Danny couldn’t help but think Bill was one lucky bitch, to have someone like this pay him attention so often. His short fingernails dug into Gabe’s hips, and the taller man sort of arched, and it brought their hardnesses together, and this time, Danny did moan. And Gabe pulled away from the kiss and grinned at him. There was something in his look, not quite dangerous, but definitely not safe, and hell if it wasn’t the hottest thing Danny had seen.

The taller man licked his neck, just beside his Adam’s apple, lapped at it. It was a weird feeling, and it really shouldn’t have been quite as sexy as it was. And then he bit, and his hands were still tracing patterns on his back. Danny rolled his hips, just a bit, and Gabe rolled his back, and bit just a bit harder.

“Ahh…” Gabe looked up at him, his eyes wide and taunting. Hell, he wasn’t some fucking chick! What the hell was with those noises? The other vocalist moved his mouth a bit to the left, started nipping and sucking just under his ear, and rolled his hips again, and Danny moaned.

“Hush now, Danny,” Gabe whispered, his breath hot on his ear. “You don’t want to wake the band up.”

“It’s your fault, you know.” Danny shot back angrily. “If it wasn’t for you…” And then he realized he was making himself sound like a chick and stopped talking. Gabe bit him again. He almost gasped, and hell, what was with this guy, most people can’t just instantly find the little soft spots on a person.

“Do you want to come back to my bus?” Gabe asked, his eyes taunting. “My guys won’t mind the noise.”

“Fuck no.” Danny replied. “I’m not a fucking chick, I’m not going to wake the guys up.” Gabe grinned, and the younger man realized, maybe a bit too late, that had sounded more like a challenge than it should have. And he didn’t really get the feeling that Gabe was one to back out of a challenge.

“Well I certainly hope you don’t” Gabe whispered. “I’d hate for our fun to be interrupted.” And before Danny could answer, he continued nipping and sucking on that little spot on his neck. And Danny hadn’t even known he was so sensitive there, so how the hell did Gabe figure it out?

He felt Gabe lean into him, push him over lightly, and then he was lying down, with the taller man kneeling between his legs, and his shirt was being unbuttoned by long, nimble fingers. Anticipation was pooling below his belly button, hot and electric. He wasn’t quite sure how this worked, wasn’t even sure if he wanted to find out. But he knew he would.

Gabe’s mouth started licking and biting its way lower, hot and moist, and Danny could feel he back arching; he’d never felt like so much of a girl before, and hell, he wasn’t too fond of the feeling, but the way Gabe’s mouth felt? He liked that. Maybe more than he should.

His shirt was pushed off his shoulders, he twisted around a bit to get it all the way off. Gabe’s mouth found his right nipple, lapped at it, sucked a bit. Danny moaned again, tried really hard to stifle it, and it came out like a sort of choked gasp, and hell if that wasn’t the girliest noise he’d ever heard, but god, he had no idea something like that could feel so fucking good. He arched his back, brought his hands to Gabe’s back. The older man let go for a moment.

“You like that?” He whispered huskily, he breath hot on Danny’s skin. He rolled his hips sharply downwards, and the younger man moaned, almost loudly, and fuck, he was starting to think he’d had too much to drink, because that felt way too good. “I think you like this a bit more than you’d admit, don’t you?” He bit the other singer, just at the top of his stomach. “You’ve wanted this since you first set eyes on me. I’ve seen you watching.” And fuck, the way he was talking was obscenely sexual, there was so much lust in his voice, his eyes, it was almost frightening.

He grinded downwards again, hard and fast, and Danny almost cried out, he didn’t think he’d ever been this hard, and they were still wearing their fucking pants, for godssake! And that really seemed like a problem, actually. He brought his hands downwards, undoing the other man’s belt and pants quickly, trying to pull them down. Gabe grinned evilly.

“Rushing a bit there, don’t you think?” He asked, and Danny blushed, but he helped anyways, pushing he pants off, taking his socks with them before leaning up to pull his shirt off. “Even Bill can wait longer than that.” He whispered huskily, and started undoing the younger man’s pants, all the same.

“It’s still your fault.” Danny accused him, his voice a lot rougher than he’d thought it would be, and it ended up sounding more like a plea than an objection.

As soon as his pants were off, Gabe shimmied down a bit and bit his inner thigh, and Danny groaned, which, he thought, was at least more manly than moaning, but still let the snake-like man know how completely in his control he was, and Danny didn’t exactly like that idea, the idea of being in the control of this guy, but at the same time, he was tingling with excitement, anticipation.

Gabe sucked and licked at the spot on his thigh, and the younger man grabbed his hair, tried to bring him a bit closer to where he wanted him. The dark-eyed vocalist grinned, bit him, and pulled, just a bit, and fuck, it felt better than it should have, like everything else Gabe had done, and really, that wasn’t fair at all.

“I want…” He murmured, and his voice still sounded way more desperate that it should have. He didn’t really know what he wanted, actually. He just… wanted.

“What do you want?” Gabe asked, his eyes still glowing in that weird dangerous way.

“I…” Tell me that you wanna take me… The lyrics popped into his head unbidden, and he blushed, because he knew that now, every time he sang that line, he’d be thinking about this night, about Gabe, and hell, he shouldn’t be thinking about that sort of this while he was on stage, or at all, really.

“Oh, but I do.” Gabe said, still grinning like he was about to do something absolutely evil. And that was when Danny realized he’d said that out loud, which was definitely not a good thing. “There’s nothing I’d like better than to take you, right now.” Gabe whispered, his breath hot and deliciously close to Danny’s cock.

He took a deep breath, tried to steady his voice. “Then do it.” He said.

“I’d love to.” Gabe replied, and sounded more polite than he probably should as he slipped their boxers off. He slid back up until his eyes were level with Danny’s, and kissed him. And this time, the kiss was somehow softer, which, Danny thought, was maybe because he’d given up on being masculine or dominant. Something about the way Gabe touched him just made than impossible. He heard Gabe rummage one-handedly through his pants pockets, heard a weird pop! noise.

And then two long, wet fingers slipped into him, before he could have second thoughts. He gasped harshly into the kiss, arched his hips away from the odd intrusion, and felt his cock brush against Gabe’s, and shit, that was a really good feeling, so he thrust again, and somehow, those fingers got deeper inside him, and he was sort of squirming, writhing, not sure whether he wanted to get away as fast as possible or just keep going, so he thrust again, and Gabe got the message, and moved against him. And soon they had a sort of rhythm going, rough and uneven, and every time he moved, Gabe’s fingers got further inside him, and it was almost disgusting, but at the same time, it felt pretty good, which was completely wrong, but…

“Ahhngg..!” The fingers hit something inside him, and fuck! It felt so good, and he thrust backwards onto them, and they withdrew! And no, that was definitely not what he wanted, but then they were back, and there was a third one, and it was sort of uncomfortable, but Gabe’s fingers quickly found that weird little spot again, and Danny was vaguely aware that they weren’t kissing any more, and maybe he was being a bit louder than he should be, but fuck, he loved that feeling.

“Ahh… please…” He whispered. And, contrary to what he wanted, Gabe’s fingers left him. He vaguely heard something crinkle, and then Gabe shifted a bit, and lined himself up, and pushed in, slowly, slowly, a weird sort of stop and start resistance. And hell, it really hurt. Danny could hear himself swearing, cussing violently. And then Gabe’s hand covered him mouth, and he said, “Hush, now, Danny. We don’t want to wake anyone up, now.” He bit Gabe’s middle finger, probably pretty hard, but Gabe didn’t really seem to mind, and he jerked his hips, and hell, this was completely weird, and totally different from what Danny had thought, which wasn’t too much, really.

And then Gabe angled himself a bit differently, and thrust a few times, and then he hit. That spot. And Danny almost screamed, because hell, it was… Words didn’t even begin to describe. So he rolled his hips up towards Gabe, who thrust again, and they sort of started a rhythm, though not an even one, and Gabe kept hitting that place, that little nub that just made him see stars. And then Gabe reached down and grabbed his cock, and pumped a few times, and he came hard, feeling Gabe come a few seconds later.

A few moments later, Gabe pulled out, tossed the condom in the trash. “So did I satisfy your curiosity?” He asked, knowing he had, and then some.

“Fuck off.” Danny sort of whispered at him, smiling despite himself.

“Okay, I’ll go back to my own bus.” Gabe said, smiling. And for once, it wasn’t a weird, menacing grin, but a real smile.

“You don’t have to.” Danny said, wrapping his arm around the other man.

“You say that now, but when your band mates wake up, you’re not going to want me to be here.” Gabe teased. “Maybe we’ll meet again.” He got up and pulled his boxers and pants on. “What’s your phone number?”

“Fuck you, Gabe.” Danny replied. “If I want to talk to you, I can get your number from Bill.”

“Sounding a bit angry there, lover.” Gabe teased, pulling his shirt on and smoothing his hair.

“Whatever.” Danny grinned widely. “I’ll see you around.”

“You know it.” Gabe replied, slipping out of the bus and closing the door softly behind him.

“Why are you sleeping on the couch?” Danny heard a tired voice above him. He opened his eyes blearily to see Seth, looking confused. He sat up and stretched, feeling a sheet fall down to his waist. He had no idea when he’d got that.

“I donno…” He muttered. “Why did you g-“

“Holy shit!” Seth exclaimed. “You’ve got a hickey on your chest! What about your girlfriend, man?”

“It’s not a fucking hickey!” Danny shouted, feeling a blush sprout across his cheeks.

“Yeah right.”

“You fucking bitch!!” They heard an angry voice outside the trailer. “I can’t believe you would do that!”

“Dude, is that Bill?” Seth asked incredulously. Danny tossed the sheet off and went to the bunks to find something to wear.

“Shit, you’ve got another one on your thigh, man!” Seth exclaimed.

“They’re not hickeys, man.” Danny told him, managing not to blush as he pulled on his boxers and got dressed.

“What do you mean, we’re not really in a relationship!?” Bill’s voice rang out angrily.

Danny stepped out of the bus and wandered towards the sound of the voice.

“-never say it back. We both know it’s something casual.” That sounded like Gabe’s voice. “You have no right to be that angry, William.” The way he said the other man’s name made it feel like there was so much more to it than that.

“But…” Bill’s voice was quieter, now. “But I thought… maybe you meant it.”

“I did mean it.” Gabe almost yelled, his voice stern. “I mean it every time I say it. But I’m not going to wait forever for you to get up the balls to tell me how you feel. It was just a one night thing.”

“Who was it?” Bill asked, his voice low and dangerous, completely unlike him.

“That’s none of your concern.” Gabe replied. That was about when Danny realized he hadn’t only fucked up himself; he’d messed with this, too. He should have known better than to mess with someone who was obviously Bill’s. Bill is never quite honest with himself.

He stepped out from behind the bus. “It was me.” He said, making his voice sound a lot more confident than he felt.

“You fucking-“ Bill lunged for him, landing a solid punch on his right cheek.

“You vain little asshole!” Danny shouted. “He doesn’t fucking belong to you! You think you can just lead him along like that and expect him to let you! It’s a wonder this didn’t happen sooner!”

“Danny, this is between me and Bill.” Gabe said. And although he almost sounded resigned, there was a certain danger in his voice.

“If you want him so bad, why don’t you actually let him love you!” Danny shouted. “You can’t keep him all to yourself if you’re not at least going to go that!”

Bill took a deep, shuddering breath, his head hung low. Gabe shot a glare at the Audition’s vocalist, and walked over to the shuddering brunette, wrapping his arms around him. Danny left silently, but not before hearing Bill finally say it:

“I do love you, Gabe… I think I always have.”

“Dude.” Seth said, when Danny returned to the bus. “Did I mishear that, or did you actually sleep with Gabe?”

“Fuck off,” Danny said, smiling. “Your imagination is fucking weird.”

“So I only imagined you making all those weird noises, last night?” Seth grinned.
“Shut up.”

Man, this was really hard to write..  I don't know nearly enough about Danny. There's very little fanfiction, and there are a few interviews, but it's really not enough. They don't even have a primer... Anyways, go give them some love! The Audition, check it out!

the academy is..., gabe saporta, the audition, danny stevens

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