Aug 19, 2012 10:34
I've started watching GH again after a four month hiatus. Just a few times a week. That's all it really takes to catch up. And, man, is it still an exercise in frustration or what? I think Cartini are finally starting to find their rhythm, but the canvas is still way too crowded. Hopefully whatever nefarious virus/toxin Jerry is about to release will wipe out some of the unnecessary folk. (Please, God, let that include Spinelli, Trey and TJ.)
I'm still working on a Lucky/Maxie AU that I'm hoping to have finished soon. It's already at 4500 words.
Though I'm absolutely horrified by what the writers did to Johnny, I'm 'shipping him with Starr. (AND GOING TO HELL!)
Mr. Craig should never have been turned into Jerry Jacks, but I admit I do love Sebastian Roche. He raises the game whenever he's on.