Fic: "Put it in Drive," H50, Danny/Kono/Chin, R.

Jan 27, 2011 15:10

Finally took these three into OT3 territory. I knew I'd get around to it eventually!

Title: "Put it in Drive"
Author: monimala
Fandom: H50
Rating/Classification: R, Danny/Kono/Chin, sexual content, incest-y themes, adult language.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters and am making no profit from their use.
Summary: 950 words. Written for Porn Battle XI, and the prompt "calling shotgun." Having any kind of discussion with Kono while she's wearing a bikini leaves him at a disadvantage.

It's Kono's idea to pose for the charity calendar. Even though Danny is militantly against it, reminding her that no one will ever take "the rookie" seriously if she does this, he somehow gets roped into doing it, too. He blames the fact that having any kind of discussion with Kono while she's wearing a bikini leaves him at a disadvantage. He's a forward-thinking guy, a feminist even, but tiny, impractical strips of nylon and miles of sun-tanned skin are like Kryptonite. Before he knows it, he's saying "sure" and "I'll be there," and showing up at some dump of a warehouse so he stand around in nothing but Bermuda shorts and a tie.

"Lookin' good, brah." Kono, utterly unselfconscious in yet *another* fantastic bikini, is already getting situated on a prop desk, even though the photographer is off on a lunch break or some shit.

Danny almost blushes at the praise. Almost. He's too busy feeling semi-naked and belligerent. "I don't know how you talked me into this." More than that, "I don't know how you *didn't* talk Steve or Chin Ho into this."

"The Boss said 'no,' and that was that." Kono shrugs, which shorts out his brain function for a good thirty seconds. Chanting "she's your subordinate, stop it!" to himself doesn't really help. "As for Chin…"

There's a screen divider with clothing slung over it. Distinctly non-girl clothing. Danny kicks himself for not noticing that when he walked in. Now *that's* a rookie move. And, moments later, Chin Ho appears from behind the screen, wearing low-slung blue jeans and loosely cradling his shotgun. "Low-slung," which he's pretty sure he got from a women's magazine or one of those trashy novels Rachel used to read, is actually a generous description. "Man, your pants are practically falling off." It's like a Guns & Ammo magazine spread, except with porn. "That's just wrong."

Chin's eyebrows rise in direct correlation to how his jeans seem to be sinking past his hipbones. "Still so prudish, Danny? I'm shocked. How long have you been here now?"

"Here in this warehouse? It's practically been an eternity already!" He stops looking at Chin, because the man is all shirtless and oiled up and it's just obscene, and moves over to the desk, hopping up next to Kono, who is swinging her legs like they've got all the time in the world. "Can we get this show on the road, please?"

Chin chuckles, joining them under the lights. "I call shotgun," he murmurs, still letting it all hang a little too loosely for comfort. Danny is relieved to see that the safety is on. The gun that is. His pants are another story.

"Cousin, that is the worst joke I've heard all day." Kono rolls her eyes, nudging at Chin's leg with her bare toes. And Danny's about to add his own two cents on Mr. Kelly's awful command of puns, except that Kono's foot keeps moving… slowly traveling up Chin's thigh. And Chin does not seem to mind at all. In fact, he moves closer, laughing in that quietly smug way of his as Kono's toes stroke the faded crotch of his jeans. Faded, but not fading. No, that's some definitely interested crotch right there. Whoa. Danny did *not* know they were those kinds of cousins.

Suddenly, the loosely knotted tie around his neck feels really tight… and Danny goes to slide off the desk, give them a little room to keep doing whatever smutty cousinly thing they're doing… but Kono covers his hand with hers, pinning it flat on the scarred wooden top. "He called shotgun, Danny. That means *you* get to drive."

"M-me? Drive?" He's sputtering, gesturing wildly. Generally being completely freaked-the-fuck-out. "I can't drive. I don't know this car. I don't think I want to reach for the keys. I am not licensed--"

"Shut up," she whispers, whipping around to straddle his knees, giving herself just enough room to reach down between them and palm his dick inside his shorts. Chin's shotgun settles next to her with a thump, and Danny almost comes right then and there, because Kono grips the barrel with her other hand and begins to stroke it in exactly the same way that she's stroking him.

Kono is all dark eyes and dark hair and the smile and bare skin that got him into this mess in the first place. She dips her head, and then he's drowning in the hot, ocean-y taste of her mouth. Chin's hands are on her shoulders, and he's bent practically halfway, kissing the side of her throat. So close Danny could almost be kissing him, too… which is really weird to contemplate, but entirely within the realm of possibility. It's not like he hasn't pictured it before… kissing a guy. It's just usually in the context of wanting to stop Steve from hanging somebody off a roof.

This… this is different. This is Kono working her magic, like some cousin-banging sea goddess, wriggling close to him and flicking her thumb across the head of his cock. And Chin is plastered against her like they're one person, holding her steady… or maybe helping her come apart. Because she's caught between them both, making unbelievably sexy little noises. Gasps and breathy little moans. When Danny stops kissing her long enough to pay attention to why, he realizes her kinky fuck of a cousin has worked her bikini bottoms down as far as they'll go. Chin's getting her off from behind. In ways Danny could've only conceived of after too many fruity drinks and maybe a game of truth or dare.

Oh, man, he *really* doesn't know this car. But the ride is beautiful.


January 27, 2011

porn battle, random fic, h5o

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