We're three for three with the awesomeness.

Oct 05, 2010 07:27

Hawaii Five-O is SO my shiny guilty pleasure show of the season. :::draws hearts around it:::

Grace Park slayed me in that red waitress' outfit. Slayed. Me. Her hair, her makeup, her legs...I love that because Kono is such a casual surfer girl (with practical shoes befitting a cop!), when she dresses up and dons those sexy heels, it reallllly makes an impact. And I loved her and Danny being the distraction out by the pool. Hello, surprise multi-shipping! They were adorable, all giggly and making out...and then efficiently badass!

(But can we have some filler fic about them deciding to make out and being expectantly non-awkward about it later, plz?)

This was a great episode for Danny, and for Scott Caan. My other severely shallow moment was when they had the pizza guy out on the boat and Danny was just sprawling in the background like he was posing for a magazine cover. I lost brain function. He was so sexy. The business casual clothes, plus the backdrop of the ocean...guh. And he's just a really solid character. Clearly the heart of the show, and the team. I know they're eventually going to have to cast Danny's bitch of an ex-wife, but I really hope they go as long as possible. They need to milk this for a LONG time and keep Rachel offscreen until they can complete the Frasier-and-Lilith-ness with someone who really packs a punch.

In contrast to my growing admiration for Scott Caan, I continue to think that Alex O'Loughlin is the weak link. I get nada from McGarrett. He's either so dry he makes the Sahara look wet, or explosively violent. Which, frankly, is a little sociopathic. I guess he makes a decent team leader, but considering his ONLY spark is when the show is crafting their own McGarrett/Danny slash, I'm firmly entrenched in "blah" where he's concerned.

And then there's Chin Ho.... I'm glad we're going to continue to see how him being thought dirty affects him. Hopefully, a future case will involve clearing his name (if they're smart, that will be the season finale arc). I love how effortlessly Daniel Dae Kim conveys all that internal conflict. I think playing Lost's Jin, who didn't speak much but had to get across a LOT of character work, was amazing in terms of teaching him how to smolder and seethe and mourn without saying a word. Consequently, Chin Ho does a LOT with less airtime than McGarrett. I feel like I know his emotional palette much better, despite McG being the lead.

And I'm going out on a limb to say that my Kono/Chin Ho 'shipping is Still Not Jossed. If anything, the addition of their cousin Sid on the HPD just confirms my theory that their extended family could be huge. I think it would be a great running gag, much like Danny's offscreen wife, if we just continued to meet cousins in strange places. All of whom are Pan-Asian.

Now to fit Chin Ho's football history and Kona's obvious love of the sport into the fic I'm working on...


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