Fic: "Double Take," GH/T: SCC crossover, PG

Aug 15, 2010 11:09

Title: "Double Take"
Author: monimala
Fandom: General Hospital/Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Rating/Classification: PG, crossover, crackfic, futurefic, Maxie/Lucky.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters and am making no profit from their misuse!
Summary: 1175 words. For anniemoon, who answered my call for prompts with the hilarious suggestion of, "OMG KYLE REESE AND LUCKY SPENCER CROSSOVER OMG OMG OMG." So. Yes. That's what this is: Lucky meets Kyle!

Lucky stops stock-still in the depths of the catacombs, his gun drawn more out of habit than any intention to shoot. For a minute, he thinks he's actually stumbled upon a giant mirror, and he's staring at his reflection… except that the face staring back at him is younger, clean-shaven, the man is wearing a green military-style coat that Maxie would say is "so five years ago," and the gun pointed at him isn't a department-issue sidearm; it's a sawed off shotgun. Other than those not-so subtle differences, it's really uncanny. The guy could be his twin brother. His twin brother who is currently armed and, therefore, a possible threat.

"Port Charles Police," he identifies, swapping his curiosity for procedure. "What are you doing down here?"

They'd gotten a call about strange noises and a power surge, possible electrical fire. And though no one has been in the catacombs in years, the department still liked to keep tabs on the place, make sure no vagrants were using it in the winter, etcetera. Lucky's mirror image doesn't quite look like a vagrant, but with the economy the way it is these days, you never can tell.

"Just passing through, officer." The shotgun slowly drops to the guy's side. "You can't be too careful these days," he says, mildly, as if it's perfectly normal to pull a weapon on someone. Which makes Lucky think he could be from Texas, except that he has no accent. His voice is tired, hard, but devoid of any regional markers.

"Passing through Port Charles for any reason in particular? Maybe looking for family?" For one ludicrous minute he thinks, "Lucas?!" but it hasn't been *that* long since he's seen his cousin. And he's pretty sure someone who shops at Banana Republic and strives to find the perfect jeans to make his butt look cute would have the same opinion on military coats and a shotgun accessory that Maxie would.

"No. No family here." If the man is as aware of their resemblance as he is, he's sure not showing it. He cranes his neck, gives the caves a once-over. "Kind of landed here accidentally, actually. I was aiming for New York City."

Lucky holsters his own weapon. 'Landed here'? 'Aiming'? Maybe the coat is the big clue here; the guy was over in Iraq and he came back with his head a little scrambled. "Well, I'm Detective Spencer," he says, slowly and gently, like he's talking to Cam or Jake and trying to stave off the world's worst temper tantrum. "We can get you to New York City if that's where you need to be."

"Reese." The man's gaze finally returns to him, and there's a flicker of what might be humor in his eyes. "And somehow I don't think you can get me to where I need to be." A sense of humor isn't necessarily the biggest indicator of sanity… just look at his dad for proof… but it's progress, and Lucky is feeling like this whole mini-vacation into Bizarro World might actually work out… when, all of a sudden, someone comes barreling into the catacombs.

A very small, blonde someone, who is talking a mile-a-minute. "Dante told me you were down here and oh my God, Lucky, you wouldn't believe the day I've had and…" And she bypasses him completely, throwing herself into Reese's arms.

"Um, Maxie…" he starts, as the poor guy just stands there, being kissed thoroughly. His arms are at his sides, and from what Lucky can see, his face is frozen in an expression of total shock. Lucky feels slightly relieved that his look-alike has no impulse to kiss his girlfriend back.

She seems to come to this conclusion on her own, pulling back and frowning. "You're not Lucky." She turns around, finally seeing him standing there. "You're Lucky. What is going on here?"

"I was just figuring that out when you blew in here and decided to investigate with your tongue." He shakes his head, ruefully, reaching for her hand and tugging her to his side. He has no idea why Dante would send Maxie down to a potential live crime scene, but there's no denying that his life has gotten more interesting in the six months they've been dating. Reese still looks shell-shocked, and Lucky wants to tell him that she has that effect on everybody, but thinks better of it. "This is Reese. He's a little lost."

"I tend to have that effect on people," Maxie giggles, swiftly kissing his cheek. Elizabeth wonders why they're together and what they could "possibly have in common besides a terrible history," and it's moments like this that give Lucky the answer. Maxie is all bright light and laughter and surprising self-awareness. She looks at Reese with that critical fashionista eye of hers. "War veteran," she pronounces. "Or he shops at the army surplus store… which is so five years ago."

While Lucky is stifling laughter and trying to remember back to five minutes ago when he was still acting like a trained professional, Reese actually smiles. But it's the haunted smile of someone who has seen things Maxie couldn't possibly understand. "I've been through a war alright. And the fight's not over." He glances down at his wrist, like he's checking the time, and Lucky tenses, wondering if he should reach for his sidearm again.

But before he can even make that call, the air starts crackling. Electrical fire. That's what the report said. Shit. Lucky holds tighter to Maxie as what looks like lightning splits the ground between them and Reese, instinctively shielding her with his body as she shrieks his name and buries her face in his neck. It only lasts a minute, but it feels longer… and when it's over, and the air feels normal again… Lucky realizes that they're alone in the catacombs. His mysterious doppelganger, Reese, is gone.

It's like he was never there at all.

Lucky tries to let Maxie go so he can do a walk around, but she clings to him, shuddering, "That was, officially, weird."

"Yeah, no kidding," He brushes his lips against her hair, reassuringly, but can't shake the sense that he's missed something. That something more than just "weird" happened here.

People don't just disappear. Electricity doesn't just spontaneously generate. It doesn't make any sense.

"Did I ever tell you about the time my dad hid down here for weeks?" Maxie is the one doing a walk around now, pulling him along like she does when she's forcing him to go shopping. "He was, like, kidnapped and held in a Turkish prison or something and he finally made his way back home. My mom thought he was dead, and then he showed up alive and well at her wedding to some other guy and totally freaked her out."

He has to laugh. And kiss her quiet. And laugh some more.

Okay, people don't just disappear and electricity doesn't just spontaneously generate… except that this *is* Port Charles. Stranger things have most definitely happened.


August 15, 2010

scc fic, random fic, crossover, gh fic

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