Gwen's pretty accent can't save her now!

Feb 07, 2008 19:47

Torchwood-y goodness was consumed, though perhaps that's not the best choice of words.

Nice to know we've reverted to last season's trope of "Gwen does something dumb every week." Though, in this particular case, it was a long succession of something dumbs, only slightly forgiven by the episode's end.

See, I'm unpopular in my opinions (as usual) but I love Rhys. I love him in all his Non Hotness. I adore that he stands for reality and humanity and that he loves Gwen so completely...a love she doesn't deserve, what with her whole "no one else will have me, except that time I spent shagging Owen" bullshit that she's perpetuating with Jack. I hate, HATE that they're building Jack and Gwen up as this Great Love, and not because of Ianto (though, Man, that was hard tonight, too), but because of Rhys. Because Rhys is painted as the "safe" choice, because he is Gwen "settling."

"Meat" was an episode where we got to see that Rhys is awesome. That this funny, brave, regular man can hold his own with the badasses at Torchwood. His good natured approach with Jack was priceless. "Couldn't you be uglier? You're not gay, by chance, are you?" I LOVED his fight with Gwen because he was so, so on point and I love that she came around to his way in the end and realized she needs to share her whole life with him.

But then the whole passionate Jack/Gwen ANGST! ruined it. It pissed me off on so many levels. Plus, the whole episode, they kept talking about how the rest of the team is single...and I was like...wait, what? I know Jack and Ianto are just shagging, but how does that qualify as single? On the bright side, Tosh's awkward, painful, crush on Owen is actually getting somewhere and I like that. I like that she's reaching out, that she's learned something from Tommy.

Now, for the Alien of the Week: it broke my heart. Those mournful cries, the big sad eyes... oh. And the inhumane cutting away at something living and breathing... it was such an anvilicious metaphor for what Torchwood does to someone's life, but I didn't care! It hit me right where it hurts.

In conclusion, Ianto Jones is a badass.

The End.

There's a jam-packed Thursday lineup tonight, complete with GREEN ARROW! EEEEEEE! I can't WAIT!


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