Toques, TARDISes, Trek and other things.

Feb 06, 2007 07:56

So, I was watching Days of our Lives at some point this week and cracking up laughing at their portrayal of Toronto. It pretty much consisted of a Canadian flag hanging in a police station peopled by the least Canadian cops EVAR and a bunch of homeless people running around in toques. With all the Canadian actors in Hollywood, DOOL's casting agent couldn't find one? You know there's more than Bree Williamson, Jason Thompson, Forbes March and Marie Wilson, right? I think I would've at least taken the VM approach and had some BNL and some moose, yo. And Timbits! Shawn and Belle should totally have been eating Timbits and poutine!

Last night's Heroes, "Distractions," was fabulous. I continue to love and adore this show. Why do I not have some sort of Claire or Nathan or Hiro/Ando icon? I need to get on that!

I love it when character arcs get pushed forward and despite the title card of "Distractions," I found this episode to be more fine-tuned and focused than several in the past. The addition of Christopher Eccleston as Claude ("Mr. Invisible" is what I keep calling him) is so perfect and constantly skating on the edge of fandom meta. He's exactly what the character of Peter needs, from the snipes about Peter's emo hair to the much-needed shove off the building, to Peter using the word "regenerate" (bwah!) to the fact that this invisible man is making Peter SEE what's actually around's actually moving story and I like that. I like that Peter realized connecting to people is the key to controlling his powers and that his revelation is in tandem with the revelation that Nathan is Claire's father.

Which, yeah, I saw coming. Hee. And I'm thrilled about it! But you have to remember that most of America isn't as clued in to fandom and spoilers and analyzing things as those of us online are, so I'm betting it was a huge, huge shocker for a lot of people.

On that front, I'm going to pretty much c/p what I said in serrico's LJ: I admit that I did the math when they started making noises about Claire's real parents and the shirt sleeve and wristwatch promo definitely pointed me in Nathan's direction. It helps to consider that the PR machine behind Heroes, Milo, Adrian...they've all been swearing up, down and sideways that Peter and Claire will not hook up. And fandom pooh-pooh-ed that like, "OMG! LOL! Ur stoopid." However, I tend to think they're probably not that stupid and if they've been swearing it all this time, they must've planned it. So, I'm a happy camper and I like it...especially since Nathan and Claire are my two favorites.

Obviously saving the cheerleader was key to the story and Peter's destiny and I love how it does turn that "hero saves girl; they belong together" convention on its ear. Not to mention the fact that I think Kring and Co. deliberately twisted the knife by giving the Paire people their biggest moment to date -- "I have to remember how she made me feel!" -- after Pete taxi-planted. I think that's when I knew for certain it was Nathan. I busted out laughing and thought..."Oh, yeah. It's coming."

The fact that it sucker punches the annoying Paire 'shippers who wanted Emo Boy and my ClaireBear together just because they're pretty...? Is icing on my cake! [end quote]

And someone else in Jayne's journal points out the irony of Nathan NOT wanting Peter to go save this girl, of Nathan pretty much paying her no mind because of his Petrelli Only blinders. I know people think it's a hackneyed ploy to undermine the Peter/Claire 'shippers and, honestly, I think that's just the side benefit. I'm willing to believe they planned this all along and that it's deliberately changing the meaning of "destiny" to something familial instead of romantic...though obviously if you want to read the 'cest you can, because the Petrellis are kind of like that.

I love what this means for Nathan, with all of his secrets and control issues. Will his commitment to protecting Peter extend to Claire? And what does mean for his wife and his sons?

1. Isaac? Still. Hot.
2. Simone? Still a whore.
3. Hayden Panettiere really IS the Neutrogena girl, because her skin looked beautiful last night.
4. HRG, a.k.a. "Secret Agent Dad," was such a badass last night and he looked smokin' hot with the glasses off. Guh. I love him.
5. I could listen to Christopher Eccleston talk all day.
6. I didn't miss Mohinder and I don't feel guilty about it. Whoops.
7. The Haitian? Still. Hot.
8. Sulu rocked that growl. I heart George Takei.
9. Ando better not die. Ever. Come here, Sweetie, I'll give you a hug. And then some!
10. I know everyone has said it, but Claire's real mom should *totally* call Nathan "Asshole!" next week.

Also? angel_grace pointed out that the license plate of Mr. Nakamura's limo was the registration/call/whatever numbers from the Enterprise. Bwah!

And I wrote a GG/SPN crossover last night, A Beautiful Taste.
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