Jul 06, 2004 00:02
hey, well i hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of july. I for one had a good time. after work i went to the diablos and saw some awesome fire works, then after waiting almost a half hour to get out of the parking lot i headed over to a fun little, what we all called a "bonfire"...which was actually like about 10 of us with a few twigs and pieces of wood that we found in the desert and like 2 6 packs of smernoph, and a small package of fireworks. it was fun, it was good company and good conversation...no matter how pathetic it may have looked, we all had fun and thats what matters. and then after that we all headed over to our friends house at like 3 in the morning to go swimming and chilling in his hot tub. we stayed there till about 5:30 cuz all of us were to lazy to leave and we had to wait for our cloths to dry...on my drive back i got to see the sun rise. so that was fun...except for the fact that i had class at 11:40 that morning. so i had a total of like 4 hours of sleep, and then after class (1:40ish) i had to come home do my hw and then get ready for work which gave me no time to take a nap. so i was at work from 5 to 11:30pm...and that sucked cuz they scheduled it as if it were just a regular monday so we only had 5 people on staff on a day that everyone else in the world had a day off and came to a freakn movie with their family...by the way...people are slobs, rude nasty slobs...people, if you go an hour early for a movie...expect to be standing for that hour in a line, dont expect to be seated right away...and theres a reason we dont sell sunflower seeds in our consesion stand, its not a baseball game people...so i am soo tired right now...and instead of going to bed like a smart person would do...i'm sitting here at my computer updating my life journal...woop-de-doo...ok well i guess thats enough for now, im going to bed...