Nov 23, 2004 21:36
Today was a very eventful day. I normally dont recap my days...but today being a minumum day i thought i would. I went to in-n-out with a bunch of ppl but Long, Tiff, CHristine, and Shella were in my car. Then we dropped Christine off at home, and tiff, shella and i vegged in the car for an hour, then we went to FRemont School!!! Then we went to the AHS scrimmage.."first" game. I had a tiring day.
Fremont School..looks pretty much the same. When i got back on campus all my old memories came rushing back to me. I wish i could come back again. Life was so much simpler back then. I loved our basketball games boys vs girls, especially when we were able to outsmart the guys! I loved our walks home with jeane, and cindy or with leonard. I loved my teachers and my classes. THere was no stress back then..we were still innocent. Granted I wasnt as innocent as i should have been..but certain corrupting factors were not there that are present in high school. I miss those days. I miss those people, even tho isee most of them everyday still, its different we were all different when were at Fremont. I guess i should cherish these fond memories because thats all thats left. I would go back to my eighth grade year with only minor changes..