Jul 30, 2006 14:31
Boring news:
Okay, even though I thought my schedule was fairly set in stone (LIE: fine, it was practically tattooable), I think I am dropping ANP424 (Culture and Economic Behavior) to switch into Edozie's sub-saharan Africa class. I am also abandoning all conscious attempts at getting an international development specialization because I loathe the woman in charge of the program. I am going to try to get an African studies specialization instead, but if it doesn't work, I will not panic because... ::shrugs:: the more Africa classes I take, the better. It all shows up on my transcript, and I will never again have to answer to the obnoxious, persistent "Oh, but I thought you were in African studies..."
So yes, I am dropping what will be a very easy skippable class for yet another class with Edozie. Despite all my gripes about her... virtually everyone i know and love who is obsessed with Africa will be in there with me, my prime favorites being Margot and Brett. As if I didn't already spend all summer talking to them about the Congo, international development, and other important nonsense.
If Edozie overrides me into her class, I'll also have nothing scheduled thus far on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays except for my independent study, which will hopefully be arranged then. Yay for four day weekends! :)
If anyone is interested in coming to my McNair oral/poster symposium at the MSU Union, it will be on August 9th and 10th. I will be there to talk about "Rape during refuge: Deconstructing rape in African refugee camps". I will have my poster on display on the 9th and I will give a 20-minute presentation on the 10th. If you are interested, lemme know and I'll give you more fun details.
Non-boring news:
Partying with Patii and Liz w/Mel and company = fabulous. I needed those dacquiris as well as all the giggling that ensued after Mel's. And I'm getting dinner with Sethy tonight, which makes me so happy! And as for coming attractions, Nick is visiting me next Saturday, which will be awesome. Ohh, and Manda-Banda is coming home to Michigan and I can't wait to see her soon (maybe this coming weekend, dahling?) And I remember hearing rumor that a certain Nikki-Bikki (lol, when was the last time I called you that?) will have a free schedule in the next week? Yay for spending time with wonderful friends. Can't wait.