First post

Sep 09, 2010 21:07

So finally my first post!
I don't know how often i'll update this journal but i tought it would be nice to at least post something. What should i write anyway?
 I don't even know if anyone will read it cause i haven't told anyone i know that i have this journal.:) Just made it to participate in a KT fan project, but i don't like journals whit no entries at all so i'll just write something.
Anyway summer's over. I've gone to school for a week now but feels like at least a month. But at the same time it feels like the week's gone by so fast. :D
A lot of new students in my class, only about 1/3 are the same as last year. But the people are pretty cool so it's fine.
This saturday my japanese classes will start again, really excited for that. Haven't seen any of the people from there the whole summer. And the teacher too, he's awesome.
So what else. I'm going to Venice soon. Should tell my class teacher but i'm sure she won't like it. Going away from school for a week when the school just started 2 weeks ago. Yeah, she'll be angry. But too late to change it now, i've got the plane tickets. Not like i'd choose a week of going to school over a week in Venice anyway.

I guess that's it for now.
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