Apr 27, 2009 09:39
Because I'm close to losing it.
I am starting to get really nervous about September.
I'm not that worried about the program itself, although I'm probably in denial
about how challenging THAT'S going to be... I just can't comprehend it right now.
I am worried about how I'm going to pay my bills.
Things don't look so good at my current job.
I don't know if they're planning on keeping me in September.
Sandy my immediate supervisor said to give her a couple weeks
to talk to Tracy - the president...and I was like:
'Um I was supposed to pick out my classes tomorrow....
I can reschedule for next week but that's the last day to register for nursing classes..."
So what the eff am I supposed to do?
Pick the classes for my ideal work schedule if I were to keep my job?
Than what if they don't want to 'keep' me? Try to find something that works around that?
Will I be able to find something in these shitty times?
There's not much out there even for cna's which
they claim are always needed....
I feel incredibly overwhlemed.
I do not - CAN NOT live anywhere else.
I refuse to move back in with one of our parents.
It just CAN NOT happen.
school stresssss