Title: Untitled
Pairing: KaiHun/SeKai
monick87Length: Oneshot
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Rate: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the plot.
Summary: The only thing Jongin knew for a fact was that he was deeply in love with his best friend and band mate: Sehun.
Here~ )
“I get so jealous that sometimes I even want to punch Luhan hyung, as much as I like him! And everything is because I love you, Sehun-ah! I’m fucking in love with you!”
dude dude please write more kaihun.
kai tops right? because
Your last pic is a WIN in all senses! Oh, so many KaiHun ideas! *bounces happily*
Your words mean a lot to me since you're a writer that I adore so much~
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