As always, Ben Edlund makes me happy by hurting me. I named him the new "King of Pain" back when "On the Head of a Pin" came out, and I think he more than proved he has earned that title last night.
There was a lot of kerfluffle post-ep last night about Dean and Sam acting like hypocrites towards Castiel. Making bad choices! Making deals with demons! Pot(s) meet kettle(s)! Well the thing is...yes they're being hypocrites, but that's what they do. Not to mention Castiel himself has been quite the hypocrite too. For all of his accusations in season 5, it doesn't change the fact that he let Sam out of the panic room. Castiel truly is part of the Winchester's extended family- just as Bobby is.
The reason I love Ben Edlund's writing so much is because he takes a characters flaws, shows them at their very, very worst and makes them that much more compelling and beautiful for it. If you've read anything I've written about the show, you know that I love watching Sam at his most broken, at his most vicious, at his absolute darkest. Edlund wrote both 'On the Head of a Pin' and 'My Bloody Valentine.' He is the master of this.
I'll admit that I was wary about some of this episode initially. I was ready for Crowley's storyline to be done when he died in 'Caged Heat,' even though I suspected he'd be back. Within minutes though, I was laughing at and with Crowley again. His vision of Hell is one of the most inspired things I've ever seen. Did you catch the poster of Crowley on the wall? I'm going to have to screencap that later ; )
So Crowley and Castiel are working together. What I found most compelling was the domino effect of this revelation. I was on a business trip this week, and I re-watched the first half of season 6. I highly, highly recommend you do this, if you have time. It is absolutely jaw-dropping how many things slot into place if you keep in mind that Crowley & Castiel have been allies the entire time.
We've also gotten confirmation that Castiel freed Sam from the Cage (as many of us theorized). Castiel also said that he brought back Sam soulless by accident. That was my main sub-theory under the header of "Castiel got Sam out of the Cage." This is the best reason of all for Castiel to have been so opposed to freeing Sam's soul. All the torment Sam's soul underwent is weighing on Castiel, because he sees it as his fault. This makes me think that whatever happens to Sam in the finale, Castiel will attempt to fix it in some way. I have a feeling this will end poorly for both of them, because show loves to hurt us (especially in season finales).
I really liked Crowley's torture chamber, and now - thanks to the setup and apron- I keep seeing him as Hell's version of Sweeney Todd ;)
What I caught in the promo for the next 2 eps is sparse so far. I will have to rewatch that too. I'm pretty sure we see Sam talking to himself. I think the bloody version is one of his inner selves- either a memory of soulless!Sam, or a memory of Lucifer, or just a memory of himself in Hell. Also- I caught a glimpse of Lovecraft and a Cthulu comic! Wheee : )
Share your thoughts/ speculation!