Stats: Out of ~310K words I wrote this year, ~127K were fics posted online, and ~7K were original stories submitted to publications. That means 56% of what I wrote this year were earlier drafts, scrapped entirely, or part of WIPs I have yet to complete.
This year, I posted 16 fics in 5 fandoms: Marvel (MCU and Captain America), Agent Carter, Preacher, Hannibal and Supernatural. That’s a record high for me for one year, but it was largely due to crossover fics. The Supernatural/Preacher crossover was the most obvious one - it had to be done. But the Hannibal / Supernatural crossover was also really fun to write as was the Hannibal / MCU fic.
Damien is the sixth fandom I wrote in this year, even though that Beast (heh) of a fic still needs to be overhauled before it can be shared ; )
Favorite fic to write:
the Future Started Yesterday - because of the world-building. It was challenging, yes, but I really enjoyed re-imagining the surviving Avengers in 2111.
Easiest fic to write:
Things to Remember - this was a gut reaction to CA: Civil War
Fic I'm proudest of: A tie between
All We Monsters (I loved writing Howard and Bucky in the 1950s) and
Heaven sent Hell Away (Fiore and DeBlanc I miss you <3 )
BIG Thanks again to
cesperanza and
quickreaver for all the beta help, and another round of jubilant, flailing applause to
raeve for bringing
How They Make You a Weapon to vivid, colorful (and sometimes animated!!!) life!