I really don't have much to say about this episodebecause I am beyond bored with angel-politics. It was nice to see fake-Gabriel because he at least reminded me of a time when angels weren't cardboard Matrix-agents.
In summation: angel politics + Metatron = zzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I still haven't seen Sam get his tattoo back. Dean's shower scene was very foggy! That is not how you fanservice, people. Or is it? What do you Dean-folk think? Was it sufficient? and most importantly: TAHMOH IN A HOODIE AND LEATHER JACKET
and next week[spoilers for next week]Jody!! Yay Jody! And vampires with wood-chippers or something? I'm not clear on what happened there.