Hair of the Dog (Sam/Brady | R)

Sep 07, 2013 18:34

word-count: ~1100
characters: Sam, Brady
summary: Sam & Brady have a little too much to drink and Sam wakes up with a killer headache. Luckily, Brady has a cure.

written for the Triple Play challenge at ohsam

Sam woke up with a headache... )

ohsam, brady, sam winchester, fic

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Comments 13

kazluvsbooks September 8 2013, 01:39:18 UTC
Ooooo very GOOD Miss Woe!
Sorta sad,sexy and creepy all rolled into one.

Mmmm can just guess what Brady put in that glass..Damn you Brady!!


monicawoe September 8 2013, 22:27:08 UTC
Sorta sad,sexy and creepy all rolled into one.
This sums up the whole show quite nicely, I think ; )

Glad you enjoyed the read!


tifaching September 8 2013, 02:31:16 UTC
New hangover cure- a little blood of the demon that blew you? Brady is a conniving creep and I wouldn't put this past him in the least.


monicawoe September 8 2013, 22:28:40 UTC
New hangover cure- a little blood of the demon that blew you?
Ha! Indeed.
I definitely like the idea of the demons in Sam's life taking an even more hands-on approach early on.


reggie11 September 8 2013, 03:53:21 UTC
Loved it. I really like fics about Sam and Brady and this fit the bill nicely. Very creepy how he's giving him blood under different guises.


monicawoe September 8 2013, 22:33:21 UTC
Thanks so much! I haven't found a whole lot of Sam/Brady fics, but it's something I definitely couldn't resist writing when I saw the prompt come up ; )


quickreaver September 8 2013, 15:40:18 UTC
\0/!! Brady Brady Brady. The boy sure likes to live dangerously.....


monicawoe September 8 2013, 22:33:52 UTC
Yes he does.

Wonder what happens if he gives Sam a little too much of a boost.


roxymissrose September 9 2013, 04:45:13 UTC
Oh, *very* nice!! I love the way you worked the blood in there, just lovely!!

It's so sad that most of Sam's young life seemed to have been engineered to be a long slide into Lucifer's clutches. It says so much about his spirit that he managed to rip that seemingly cast-iron destiny to shreds.

Brady...I hate that I kind of liked him, big creep that he was. :)


monicawoe October 31 2013, 01:09:41 UTC
I completely missed this comment until now, so sorry! (I think LJ ate my notifications that week)

It's so sad that most of Sam's young life seemed to have been engineered to be a long slide into Lucifer's clutches. It says so much about his spirit that he managed to rip that seemingly cast-iron destiny to shreds.

I agree with all of this! That's why I kind of love the idea of having Lucifer's agents be really insidious so early on.


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