I loved this ep!
I was surprised because normally weakened Sam makes me a sad panda. And it did make me sad to see him so weak, BUT! He kept going anyway, which was awesome. He tried to shoot and couldn't, and tried to stand but couldn't.
Also, was this one of the eps shortly after where Jared was actually injured with the ribs? He looked like he was walking funny. Hope he recoups during the summer.
I want to move to the MoL HQ now please okay? Thanks.
Charlie in the batcave!! Awesome.
seriously though why didn't they bring Kevin there? Makes no logical sense at all.
Sam wants an iPad! (give him one- that should be his bonus reward for completing the trials)
Dean hugs everybody!
Dean in uniform- hot damn (and I'm a Sam-girl, but still hot-damn)
Sam in single layers! with the floofiest hair!!
No Dean you may not clip Sam's hair. Unless you do so in the shower next to Sam, then you can do whatever you want.
It was clear coroner lady was not to be trusted, but the interchanges between her and Dean and Charlie were still fun.
For a minute I thought it was going to turn out that Charlie was related to Anna Milton - they all do have the same hair color ; )
And yeah Felicia Day totally made me cry. First time that's ever happened!
Robbie Thompson, you get a cookie. Dean & Charlie you also get cookies. Sam you get five dozen magical healing protein cookies.
No cookies for Eugenie and Brad, I still hate you both. You can have hate cookies. Filled with bitter GO-AWAY filling.
Yay tonight's ep!!
and next week! MY POOR SAM!!!!!
D :