Yes, despite all appearances to the contrary, I'm still hanging around. I think I kinda burned out with photo editing , and got blog block. :P And then nasty hot weather - c'mon, 94F for two days in a row, bracketed by another three days or so of high 80's, in May? Holy heatwave, Batman! After coma-ing myself through that, I was kind of tired and lackadaisical; and whoa, before I know it, it's the bloody end of the month and I haven't posted since the first? When Judy left a comment wondering if I was ok, I realized how long it'd been. Eek! Thank you, Judy - yes, I'm fine! Sorry about that, folks. I seem to have a block against making short posts, too. So if I don't have much to say, I dither around and put it off, because I can't believe people would just want to see a few lines. But I keep forgetting that maybe you might like to know I'm still alive, here. Especially since when I'm like this, I get very random about the email, too. *sigh*
About all I had the energy for was loafing around on Ravelry and posting in the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group. Which is about how I felt most of this month. ;) Nah, I didn't get any real knitting done. Started a shopping bag out of some vintage crochet thread - quadrupled - but that's about it. It's the doldrums again. Although I have some interesting plans for future at the end of this.
So anyway, what with not much going on, this is mulligan stew. You know; a bunch of stuff I've squirreled away for those times when I have no inspiration.
First, a list of uh, things. Mostly related to my kitchen.
1. The caramel sauce for ice cream is not a jar of orange marmalade.
2. One of these days, you need to buy orange marmalade.
3. For god's sake, double-check whether you need waxed paper, foil, Ziplock bags, or anything else like that before you add them to the list. Remember the five years you didn't need to buy plastic wrap. Ok, that was partly due to your crazy roomie Felix and the fact that he kept buying after he moved out, it took you that long to use it up...but you seem to have caught an infection from him. (Also remember that right now, you have two more rolls of waxed paper stuck in a drawer you don't check often. Put it someplace where you can see it for the duration.)
3. Unless you're a professional baker, no one person really needs 6 lbs. of butter, even if you can freeze it. Remember to check the freezer before shopping next time.
4. If you run out of vanilla, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, or Tabasco sauce, replace it ASAP. Yes, I know you only use the last two a few times a year. If that. I don't care. If you don't replace them immediately, you'll be really, really pissed in a few months. Trust yourself on this. Why? Because you sure were pissed the last three times you didn't do it, that's why.
5. Stop saving those two spoonfuls of leftovers. There is no way you're going to eat them as part of a meal or for a snack. You rarely did that even when you were relying on ramen. Toss 'em and get it over with now.
6. One of these fine days, when you have the time inclination can finally force yourself to, rummage through all the kitchen drawers and other hidey-holes, to find those other two - or is it three? - sets of measuring cups you know you have hidden away. You know, the ones you put somewhere you thought you'd easily find them. Or at least prove to yourself that you're wrong. Because this limping along with only a quarter-cup and a half-cup out of a complete set is getting ridiculous. Even if you're not that picky about precise measurements.
7. Buy about two more sets of measuring spoons while you're about it. You keep hiding those, too.
8. Even if you haven't used them for measuring dyes yet, and they're perfectly safe to use with food, don't steal the set of measuring spoons you specifically bought for use in dyeing. That way lies madness. (Ok, maybe the other way lies madness too, but it's my kind of madness.)
9. If you're going to keep stealing the rubber-coated tongs you bought for lifting yarn when dyeing, and using them to get things you can't reach in the cupboards, you might as well break down and buy another of them, too. You know you're not going to go to the bother of dragging a footstool in there every time you run into this.
And people keep reading my reports of events here, and telling me I have a good memory. Yah, right. For some things. Hee. It'd help if I could manage that trick for a few more practical instances.
Even more randomly...some funny stuff.
This was suggested by norolinde on Ravelry. Go to Google's main page. Type in "find chuck norris." Click "I'm feeling lucky." Make sure you read the Suggestions. ;)
Are you a classical music lover? Try the
Pachelbel rant on YouTube.
If you, like me, miss stand-up comedians from the 80's and 90's, because they're all too busy acting to do stand-up any might enjoy re-watching Larry Miller discourse on
The 5 Levels of Drinking. If you've never seen this, protect your computer. Srsly.
(I really, really tried to find if there was a video of his routine on the ski trip and the mountain goat online anywhere; but alas, not that I could find. I wasn't trying to find it for me; I have it on tape, at least. But I think that's even better than the drinking one. If was out there, I didn't want you guys to miss it. If I remember right, it was an HBO Comedy Hour special he did that on, along with the Drinking it's possible Netflix might have it. ::makes note to look for herself, 'cause that tape is going to wear out someday::)
Oh, yeah. About that plan. You know, except for Madrona, I haven't gone on a big trip for a couple of years? I've been kind of champing at the bit lately. The flying's not all that fun, but I really really miss getting out of town. All those road trips as a kid. ;) Despite the agoraphobia, I get restless if I don't get out on the road for a long time.
Well, the CPaAG group started talking about who's going to
Rhinebeck this October. Just the biggest fiber festival on the East Coast, as far as I know. (I've only read accounts of it, not the history and so on.)
And man, those people are evil. Especially Brewergnome and Bowen (not surprising, as we seem to be part of yet another hive mind). And the Tsock Tsarina, and Knitterotica, and Franklin, and Jesh, and-- Oh geez, a bunch of folk. Evil, sly, crafty (well, I suppose I should've expected that), sneaky, underhanded folks, these fiber people. You thought fiber folk were bad about enabling knitting and crocheting and spinning and weaving? Oh hell, no. They're positive masters of brainwashing in far more dramatic ways. Like wheedling. And pleading. And offering to share rooms and such.
As a result, although by now it's glaringly obvious--
No, I haven't a clue precisely as to where I'll get the money. ;) Aside from trying not to spend any more than I have to during the intervening months, and maybe finally getting around to trying to sell my ivory chess set. (Which is doing no one any good sitting uselessly in a safe space, and I've been wanting to sell it for several years now. As I said on Rav, it's not doing me any good, and someone who'd cherish it deserves to have it. And yes, it's legal ivory; 1962 Hong Kong vintage. Stunningly beautiful.)
However, once decided, I'll worry about money later. I've already checked flights on Expedia. Although if anyone has suggestions for places that might have better deals, do tell; Lois booked all our flights for the trips she took me on, so I have no clue as to who actually gets the best deals. I'll fly into Philadelphia and meet up with Bowen, so we can drive up and room together, so she'll be working on the hotel end. (I'm presuming, anyway. We've got a while to discuss this stuff.) And I have to figure out how to have enough money for the travel, hotel, food and drink, and buying stuff at Rhinebeck. ;) I am not going to go all that way to an amazing fiber festival, meet up with a bunch of friends, act ridiculous, then not buy stuff when surrounded by an amazing quantities of vendors of luscious things!
Those of you who've known me longer will no doubt, by now, be coming to a realization that I am, finally, indeed giving in and doing something I swore I'd never do in my lifetime. Happily giving in. With excitement and anticipation, even. Despite the fact it's not the actual city, which is what I've always specified; it's the state. Although I'm presuming we'll have to drive through/skirt said city to get to Rhinebeck, unless there's a reasonably fast route further away from it on the way.
What is this monumental vow-breaking, you ask?
I'm going - willingly - all the way to the East Coast. Where all those people are packed together. Which as I've stated quite a few times, rather gives me the willies. ;) To be specific: New York State.
Ok, it's not New York City. Close enough. Especially if we drive by it on the freeway. Or whatever they call 'em back there, besides turnpikes.
And not to a Highlander con, even more strangely. Although judging from reports, the experience will be quite a lot like a con. Just with fiber instead of Immortals.
I knew something would get me there eventually. I had Premonitions. I just didn't expect it to involve fiber! Came from a totally unexpected direction!
Hold me. I'm nervous. And terribly excited, eager, impatient, and giddy with anticipation. Wish me luck.
And send money-saving vibes!