Nov 25, 2003 10:36
oh man. don't i love when random people who don't know anything about me or my mother's business bash us like there's no tomorrow. god, if they don't like the fucking shows, why do we even put them on? it doesn't help us at all, and every one who goes just complains all the time. so fuck that! honestly, i'm not doing the shows for me, do they think i'm just going to take being bashed (and they think they're not bashing me, but they are- every time they bash olive's). my mom spends a lot of time doing the booking and she doesn't need to.
and fucking ed willock. jesus christ, what a dumb fuck. next time i see him i will fucking fight him. seriously, he owns the pa that he uses at the playhouse and he pays practically nothing to rent out the space. he doesn't pay any of the bands. he uses some money to buy flyers and stuff, but the rest he fuckin pockets. he already owns the fucking pa! it's ALL PROFIT. and no one seems to realize that. yeah, ed's a fucking angel alright. he's exploiting all of these kids, and they're sticking up for him. fuck THAT.