Dr. Paul's campaign made a new record yesterday! Over $6million raised! WOOHOO! I'm so proud of it all. I'm looooooads exhausted from yesterday, long day! Two great events. And we're off!
x-posted from an RP group post I made earlier/a message I wrote my fellow Dr. Paul supporter from Seattle.
So, h-town's RP group was told that Freeport (city like... a ways away, 10 minutes from Lake Jackson, which is RP's home) was doing a Boston Tea party reenactment. So, they invited Houston, and other surrounding cities, a bit last minute. So, of course I wanted to go celebrate somehow... I carpooled there with a few other people. We get there... and they do the reenactment, where the people dressed as indians are throwing over barrels that have huge signs on them saying "UNITED NATIONS" "FEDERAL RESERVE" "IRS" "NAFTA" "IRAQ WAR" etc etc, you get the idea. So, there were soars of cheering by all the people, and then we went inside the place we were at... which was like this small shrimp processing... place? haha. And there were like 150 chairs set up. Everyone got some hot tea and snacks, then propped their asses down. Because one of Dr. Paul's sons got on the mic and started talking to us. We had the pledge of allegiance, etc etc... and his son continued to talk, then he started introducing all the Paul family that was there... adorable family!!!! and then his mobile rings, and he says into the phone "just add more gas in the tractor and come on down" and then told us a couple of other family members were going to be here soon, and then Dr. Paul and Carol Paul walked into the door! And everyone stood up and clapped, cheered, etc. He looked sooo happy to see us all. We had an auction with items that Dr. Paul had signed, and the money went to the campaign... there were 26 items, and I bid on like... 5 of them, one of which I actually placed a bid for $500... paha. And got outbidded! But I ended up actually getting his book that had been signed for him for $150. Ha.... I keep reminding myself that it's for the campaign. Anywho... so then Dr. Paul and his wife got onto the stage... she said hi to us, thanked us for everything we've done, then Dr. Paul gave a great speech to us. My hands were soooooooooooooooooooooo red and throbbing by the end of it. Haha. After his speech, he went outside, and signed everyone's things they wanted signed, shook hands with everyone, talked with everyone individually and took pictures with everyone... there were about 400 people there. Then... he went out to the boat that had all the barrels, and someone told him to pick one to throw over... so he's looking at them, and he holds up the "IRAQ WAR" barrel and says very passionately, "This is the one that causes taxes to go up, causes us to print the money, and causes the undermine our personal liberties! This is the one to go, and if we can start with that it'll sort all the rest of the problems. *holds up the barrel, tons of cameras go off* All set? *cheering* HEAVE HO! *cheering*" It was great. All the Boston Tea Parties our cities had yesterday while raising the 6million... and Dr. Paul and his family were with us. Pretty fucking awesome :) Oh, and he told me he really liked my shirt that said "VOTE FOR CHANGE" Anyway...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v412/vomitwut/rpsignmysign.jpg him signing my sign.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v412/vomitwut/rpsignmybook.jpg him signing my book
Our tea party was great!!!!!
two clips of Dr. Paul's speech to us.
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When Dr. Paul threw the barrel over! :)
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