Jul 29, 2005 03:21
I had a really bad dream...in my dream we My cousin Chase and I were deep sea diving. In the middle of coming back to the top...he stopped breathing on me. He had a mask and stuff. I got him to the top and they tried to bring him back. But they couldn't then all I say in my dream was me holding him in the palm of my hand. It was such a bad dream, I woke up crying. But then I though about sleeping in the same bed with you know who....lol! I still think about him alot, but I know I will never get him, so I am getting over it...a little bit. But life goes on...hopefully I will find someone for me. It's not looking to good for me..cause I never really dated anyone.....lol! I really want him, maybe some day in the future I will.....don't think so thought.