Ramblings of a crazy horse person

Sep 21, 2012 23:31

So I finally got some UPDATE PICTURES!
Had some fun with brother's new camera and also a few friends came to watch me take a riding lesson and they took a few shots of me riding. and of course Zenite chose that particular day to act like a complete ass. I mean he can be a brat at times, but this one time it seemed like he was doing it on purpose so I would look bad. I firmly believed he planned for this.

See what I mean? *SIGH*

Yes there were some obvious rider faults here, but but it's difficult not to get frustrated when you horse decides it's DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT YOU ASK day.

Checking if the reins were straight

We started with his nose way up there and that pretty much set the tone for the whole ride...

Where was i looking at? Probably checking if i wasn't posting on the wrong diagonal.

Canter wasn't much better.
We did end on a slightly better note, although obviously there are no shots of it, so you'll have to take my word for it.

And because no post is complete without some cute photos, and my horse certainly looks a lot better without me sitting on it, here's a few shots from the farm featuring Zenite, the amazingly stubborn stargazer :P

The medium arena/turn out paddock

The paddock [yes there's barbed wired fence, nothing i can do about it]

Z and his paddock mate, Nordeste


Bubble butts

Bitch, I'm fabulous!

In other news, Zenite is almost healed up from his initiation to the pasture Fight Club scene

And I've figured out why he was so damn itchy he decided it was a good idea to stick his head in between two metal pieces: He's got dandruff (SERIOUSLY??) Also, I'm gonna have to start making some serious cutbacks on my budget if i want to keep affording to lease. Hosses... can't live with them, can't live without them...

things that i love, my pets like to drive me insane, riding lessons, horses of course!, photo dump, i should have been born rich, zenite

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