Dec 21, 2011 23:33

So my prospect horse was in a bit of a hyper mood today. And once he got to cantering he decided it would be a lot more fun to just keep going instead of listening to his rider's - that would be moi - aids. So today was one of those "ignore the human siting on your back days."

We were cantering along nicely and he starts to rush. I ask for a half half, nothing. Another half nope, nada, zip. I ask more firmly and he starts going faster! I could just see the bubble on top of Z's head: "Hmm, the human pulling on that thing in mouth wants something, what was it again? Ah, who cares? It's a great day, I'll just keep on running. Whoohoo!" The half-halts were getting zero reaction, so nevermind trying to slow to a trot. I made circles and circles, smaller and smaller and smaller and he somehow managed to keep on cantering. I tried driving him towards the wall, he just went PSYCH! and turned the other way. Finally, after a great deal of cursing and a few more laps I managed for him to slow.the.fuck.down. and eventually stop him. Just as I'm catching my breath, my trainer says: "OK, let's try cantering again." DAMN YOU evil nazi trainer!

She's not really evil. Well, maybe just a little bit. I somehow managed to stay mostly in control for the rest of the lesson and, for once, I managed to stay in the freaking saddle after a bolting spur! Right now I feel a mix of pride, annoyance and a vague feeling that there will be some falls for me in the future when I start riding sans trainer. Because really, demanding as my nazi trainer can be, she always helps me keep my cool when I'm about to loose it.

Sadly, there are no shots of my brakeless ride, but it would be boring to make a post with text only so here goes:

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I miss David Tennant... *sigh*

david tennant, doctor who, riding lessons, horses of course!, zenite

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