May 01, 2006 11:03
my, how this year flew by. i have two more days of class, or four classes to attend. i love it.
so much has been going on in my life. since the last post, i had manyyyyyyyy nights out with the girls. drinking, laughing, taking silly pictures, and just having fun. Brooke is going to be in my wedding and she is definitely the one person who i met in college and will stay friends with for the rest of my life. haha, i love her.
i had a date party with my frat. SO MUCH FUN! I was wasto. Mazz came with me and NOT jimmy. My big was there and I got best dressed and most talkative! I was so surprised, i never get awards or win anything. I called my parents and told them. they were happy for me.
jimmy and i haven't been talking. i think the last time i talked to him on the phone was like 2 months ago. he really hurt my feelings in the beginning of the semester and now he is REALLY into LAMBDA CHI and i'm not into it. Mazz isn't that into the frat thingy anymore. He stepped down from being the vice pres. :)
I have been spending a lot more time with mazz now that he has stepped down. Oh mazz got a new job at longhorns! no more bertucci's for him. I'm proud of him
I have been deeply considering going to penn state for meteorology. Customers at work always ask me what i am going to school for, and i tell them, but then i add that i really want to be a meteorologist. EVERY customer that has talked to me about it says that i need to follow my dream or i won't be happy, and i will be regretful. one women told me that she will look for me on the news telling the weather forcast. haha
i am graduating next semester!
last night at the frat meeting we had senior sendoff and my big told me that she is moving to arizona
:( i was so upset. there were a lot of tears last night amongst the brothers and graduation is sad. especially college graduation. i thought i was sad for high school, OMG i am going to be so sad for college. Atleast i still have another semester but I'm living up at west chester for another year. Who knows what i will be doing this time next year. haha, my life could be TOTALLY different!
this week i have mazz's formal! i'm excited!
i need to poop, peace