Fic "Howl" for Kink Meme.

Aug 12, 2010 19:28

Title: Howl
Author: Moni
Characters: Conrad, Worth, Hanna, Zombie, Toni
Rating: R (to be safe)
Word Count: 680
Warnings: Character death, Swearing, Angst
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings in the story, they belong to the fabulous Tessa Stone and her comic Hanna Is Not a Boy’s Name, I make no money this is purely for fun.
Author’s Note: This is for the HINABN Kink meme… the requrest was a deathfic so. it’s not beta’d, as I have none, so if there’s something hinky I apologize, I tried to catch all I could.

He didn’t look. Not at Hanna, or the Zombie holding his trembling from closer. He didn’t look at Toni who was huddled back against the far corner looking lost and confused as to how she got there, and what was going on. He was wondering that too. He had been since the doors to his office had slammed open and they brought him in, bleeding, limp, unmoving. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen it, but this time…

It had been to save Hanna and Toni in the end. Whatever they had cornered, some demon Worth didn’t bother remembering the name of when it was babbled at him when they first arrived, didn’t like that they’d got so close to it’s den. Made some kind of explosion..Zombie and Conrad saw it coming, Hanna and Toni didn’t. The used themselves to shield the human and the werewolf. Zombie had lost and arm, Conrad…more than that. Worth drew in a hissing breathed that was as painful as it sounded.

A chocked sob makes him look at the red head. He blames himself, Worth knows this, he knows this because he knows Hanna..and a smaller ugly part of himself that even he’s ashamed of blames him too. He knows it’s not Hanna’s fault they all end up following him on the dangerous fools errands that the eccentric investigator ends up on nightly, but *Christ.* he thinks, *He should have fucking know better…that fucking…idiot..pussy..fag who does he think he is? He can’t die…he can’t die on us…on me!* Worth’s eyes clench tightly shut for a moment. Hanna’s calling his name but he’s looking at his hands now, stained, he doesn’t think it’ll ever come out. Not that it’d make much of a difference according to Conrad. Christ. Hanna may blame himself but he’s not the only one who’s failed.

It shouldn’t hurt this wasn’t supposed to hurt this bad. He wasn’t supposed to care. He’d told himself so many times that he didn’t, hell, he’d told Conrad so many times, even when they lay together sated in more ways than one on the vampires part, that he didn’t ,love him. No, he didn’t care at all, couldn’t care less and Conrad had always told him it was mutual. So…why did it hurt so bad every time he had to patch the dumb hipster fag of a vampire? And why did it kill him now? Why did his chest hurt so badly, why did it feel hard to breath?

He looks up then, again at Hanna and the Zombie because he won’t look at the table in the corner. Not for anything in the world right now. He had tired, tried everything, but it wasn’t enough, too much damage had been done…they’d come bursting in and shouting and Hanna was begging him “Fix him Worth!” as if by some magic he could wave his hand and Conrad would pop up like the daisy he is..was..and start bitching. He’d taken one look at the chest wounds and knew…the was too much. It all was too much.

Hanna’s call falls on deaf ears as he rises and slowly, methodically begins putting away his equipment. His face is blank, but inside he’s raging, at himself, at Hanna, at Conrad. His hands shake. He’s ignoring everyone in the room now and dimly he’s aware when they leave his office a few minutes later. Hanna clinging to the Zombie as if he would sink through the ground if he let go, Toni follows dazedly behind them. His things are packed away but for several long moments Worth stays facing his desk, hands resting on the wood and then he turns, and slowly lets his eyes raised to the table. Outside Hanna and the other’s are halfway down the alley when they hear the howl.

fanfic, hinabn

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