A World of Dreams and Nightmares (pt.5b)

Jan 28, 2009 15:02

Title: A World of Dreams and Nightmares (pt.5b)
Author: Moni_Mama
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Batman/Joker ( some implied Bruce/Rachel but nothing explicit)
Disclaimer: I don't own them sadly...cause if I did...they'd never be dressed or leave bed...<3 this is just for fun and cause my little mind is so very slashily warped. XD
A/N: This is going to be a looong one, many chaptered, but this is the first part, basically the summary is that when moving things around in the batcave Bruce sets off a reaction that sends him to another AU, where the Joker was never made, and instead Jack Napier was allowed to come to be and is another wealthy playboy. There is no Batman or Joker in this AU and Bruce has to figure out how to get back, while dealing with some growing feeling for Jack..XD Annnnnd I dunno say anymore caaaaause I gots lots little twists in here ^__^ sooo enjoy? (p.s....I need a beta...anyone interested plz drop me an email...)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Jack answered the phone on the third ring. “So, did you talk to Bruce?” Rachel’s voice was cheerful on the other end of the line. He frowned and gripped the phone tighter. “Hello? Jack?”

“Rachel, yeah, I did.” His voice was tight and he tried to relax a little, managing to keep the hurt from his voice by some miracle.

“Really? Good, what did he say? Is he ok what happened?”

“He’s fine, we went out last night and he said he’s just a little stressed.”

“Jack you sound funny…”

“I’m just tired I had a long night.” He muttered and there was a long pause on the other end.

“Oh my god, you two did it didn’t you?”

He sputtered into the phone. “What the…Rachel…why..why would say that?”

There was laughter. “Jack, you an Bruce have been my close friends for years, I saw it coming ages ago! I gotta say it was about time! I was worried Bruce would never figure it out.”

“Yeah well he didn’t.” He muttered bitterly.

“What do you mean?”

“He flipped out about it this morning, said it was a mistake and took off.” The hurt was visible in his voice now.

“Oh Jack…look, you know how Bruce is about change even if it is one a long time coming...are you ok?”

“I will be, I’m just a little hurt, I mean it was just that, I wanted to be with him for so long, and last night… he made it seem like he wanted it too. I don’t know, maybe it just wasn’t meant to be.” He sighed heavily.

“Jack don’t even start that, just give Bruce some time. He’ll come around.” She said softly and bid him goodbye. Jack hung up and looked out the window of his office sullenly.


Rachel looked at her phone for a moment and then heaved a sigh. “Bruce Wayne you idiot, he’s just what you needed all this time, and if I need to be the one to smack that fact up you side your think head…” she got up determinedly and began gathering her coat, “then I will.”

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