Jan 29, 2009 12:13
HAHAAAA so yesterday I played my first RPG-game ever. save Pokemon Yellow and some funny online RPG date game where I ended up dating three girls at a time. XDDD It was Final Fantasy X. 8D I didn't know you could ask Tidus to sign blitzballs. I WANTED TO SIGN THE BLITZBALL "TIDYXOXO" BUT THEN CALVIN WOULDN'T LET ME. D< [I'm not even overwriting your game, DX] Aaaand then yeah. Was made fun of repeatedly because I didn't know how to move around and how to use the controls.
All I can say is Pokemon is so much easier to navigate. =|
Also, learned a new card game from Calvin-- Mao. HAHAHAAAA It's awesome. There are three rules:
1. Do not speak in the game.
2. Do not discuss the rules of the game.
3. Do not say the name of the game.
Aaand of course, there are more rules, but those are the only ones you start with. 8D You pick the other ones up as you go along. XD
Anyways. Off to watch my grandma play mahjong. 8D
mong is stupid,