You'd think that an anime with an opening like this wouldn't rape your mind. BUT IT DID. and it was kind of awesome in a terrible way. I still can't believe this got licensed.
DON'T LET IT FOOL YOU. THAT OP IS PROBABLY GOING TO HAUNT ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. o____0 Now I have to show it to that guy in my media class and then laugh and say 'I told you not all anime is porn, you fool.'
Anyways. More history and math and art to work on today en lieu of the exams. I have to plan art, and research more into Mao's dictatorship. T___T I spend way too much time plaing GCSE Bitesize Games to revise math, so I think I've got that covered.
Today we had orchestra. And since I didn't go to the previous rehearsal I missed the notice that the rehearsal was pushed back half an hour. Sooo I had to spend half an hour moving the chairs and stuff for the teachers. Oh well. But now, I learned how to play the fast sixteenth notes in O Sing Unto God. HAHAHA, I'm so proud of myself for no reason.
And for the fun of it: [taken off, what, five people on my flist?]
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same: ...Eh, do it if you want to. XD
So. The good thing was that I learned how to play the fast sixteenth notes in O Sing Unto God.
...that's all.