Noel Bon

May 17, 2008 18:51

I learned moments ago of Noel's passing on Friday. Noel was a very dear friend who I regretfully lost contact with some years ago. We lived together for a few years at a place in Canberra around 1988. I think it was 11 McElhone Crt Belconnen. I moved in with Noel at "Tir nan Og" just after Craig & Kate moved out. shortly after, Karen moved in with us, along with her tortoise shell cat "Honey". GOD we hated that cat!! and that cat hated us. I remember one day hearing Noel doing his block out the front. I raced out to see what had managed to get him upset (which was a pretty difficult task in itself). I found him chasing  "Honey" with cold death in his eyes. Fortunately for the cat it got away. Noel was speechless with fury & just pointed to his rucksack at the front door. it contained a fresh steamy wet cat turd & a pool of piss. I tried desperately to contain myself as I looked Noel in the face trying to think of something to say, but my nose started to twitch & I knew i was going to lose it as a giggle started to rise from nowhere. Then it just burst out  & I couldn't  stop laughing. Noel tried his best to keep his angry face but pretty soon he was laughing too. Eventually he got that damn cat back. He left his rucksack at the front door again and waited patiently one afternoon. Sure enough along came "Honey". Just as she squatted on the rucksack Noel leapt out & grabbed the cat by the scruff of the neck. Faster than lightning he whipped out his "Man Meat" right there on the front door step & pissed all over the cats head. I thought the cat was going to drown! I'm sure Noel had been saving it up all day just for this occasion.
On another occasion after one of our parties I recall Noel & I were sitting down to our regular family sized pizza & 1.75 coke each (I ate a lot back then) when I couldn't help but let out a Monster belch. it was the deepest loudest belch I have ever done in my entire life. Every one in the room turned from what ever they were doing & told off Noel for being so disgusting. Noel with the most innocent & hurt look on his face tried desperately to point the finger at me but no one would believe him. After all I was only about a 3rd of his size (if that).  I just grinned at him & he called me a bastard.
*Sigh* I'm really gonna miss him. I always thought I would catch up with him again. he was a most unlikely man. To look at him you would never guess that he was a genuine guy & a ridgy didge Prince. The "Huge" "Runt" of the litter. A man I was Very proud to call a friend.

"noel bon"

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