"Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address -- an ironic
juxtaposition: one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a
creature of little intelligence for prognostication and the other involves a
David N. Soloway, Atlanta trial lawyer
Little hog of the ground, I have seasonal affective disorder, and six more weeks of winter is pretty much kicking my ass. I think your "six more weeks" prophesy is very inconsiderate. I vote for a new groundhog.
Took funny expired Spanish sleeping pills last night after hours of exasperated sleep attempts...can't say they didn't work, but I did sleep through my (2 o'clock) class today. I suck.
Guess what???? I'm going here in March:
http://www.lunalodge.com/thanks.html Ooooo guess what else? My mom sent me a big box of oranges. How awesome is that??? A quote about oranges in wintertime:
"I'm not very scientific. I really believed once that oranges prevented colds because they store up hot sunlight in the tropical places they grow and the heat gets released when you eat one."
- Agnes, "A Bright Room Called Day" by Tony Kushner