Dec 06, 2013 18:12
It's good to be back. I like staying at a friend's house for a while, but after a few days I always look forward to coming home.
I threw out two chapters and rewrote them. I now think I know what needs to be done to the draft in general. See, it's like I've made this huge mound of bread dough and then suddenly remembered I was meant to be making raisin bread. So now I have to add raisins to the entire loaf somehow. Yeah, it's like that. Should try and finish the draft first, even though I'm wondering if this entire project wasn't extremely ill-advised. I've been fighting it all the way.
I don't want to have wasted a year, but hey, what's another year? I've got another fifty-odd ahead of me, surely (this is sarcasm; life is fleeting and I hate wasting time.)
I did something to my neck lifting weights this afternoon, so now that hurts.
Some days it's not worth getting out of bed, I swear.
ETA: My noodles had grubs in them.
real life