I found some things with which I have occupied my time lately. I will now share them, in the true spirit of the internet.
Storming the Ivory Tower I have no background in media criticism and analysis and I've found the whole thing fascinating. I'm still working my way through the archives.
AusVotes 2013 Election time! I am a bit of a political tragic, but the mainstream media just isn't enough for me. So a bunch of bloggers are producing commentary and policy wonkage. I've been following this site since it started.
Neil Gaiman's tumblr. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Gaiman; I'd rate the works of his I've read somewhere between 'tedious' and 'alright' (I suspect, like many authors, he's getting better - I'll have to look at his latest.) But I find his tumblr oddly inspiring. The day-to-day minutia of life as a successful author just makes it all seem a bit more real, that this is something that's achievable by actual human beings.
Politically Homeless Another political blog which I genuinely enjoy reading pretty much every time.
Gunnerkrigg Court Webcomic that I assume everyone is already following, but what the hell.
Dresden Codak Another webcomic. It updates so slowly that I can't be bothered following it, but the archives are great. Read through, then come back in a year.
Hm. That seems to be it. For now.