
Jun 09, 2007 12:33

Sorry I've been gone for so long. I forgot my password and was having a lot of issues trying to recover it. lol but I'm back now although I never posted much anyways.

So here is my recent update...

So, I've been thinking...this month I've been working out A LOT more than usual, not so much free time between class and the work outs.
I'm working on getting into shape for a 10k run later this month and I'm also in the process of swimming 100miles within 30 days or less. :)
These goals make me happy and after swimming for 3 days, 3 hours per day I'm noticing a bit more tone come back to my body...I like that.
The lifeguards at the pool were talking to me and told me I was crazy. lol I do agree slightly but the work outs make me feel GREAT. One asked me if I was a triathelete, I said "no" of course but it made me think of actually training to do that. So tomorrow morning I'm going to the store and buying ankle and wrist weights, I'm also getting a 40lb weight vest too. :)
I'm starting to take my work outs seriously for once and that makes me feel REALLY good. I've even quit drinking temporarily (possibly permanent but we'll see) to help me get into the shape that I want to achieve.
Anyone who's interested in updates on this just keep in touch and I'll keep ya informed of my decisions and acheivements over the next couple months...I'm sure once the fitness pays it's toll on my body you'll start seeing updated pics too on myspace. lol You know I'm a cocky, egotistical, narcissistic, asshole. ;)
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