What's Up With Will

May 27, 2004 00:20

Recently life has been good except for the past few days. I can't really explain why but for some reason I keep having sudden adrenaline rushes over nothing, my mind keeps racing, again about nothing. I've been really paranoid and edgy and don't know why. I just keep having this bad feeling about something and I'm not sure what it is, but it feels big. The vodka is helping though. :)

On another note, I think I'm putting on some weight which is a really good thing cause I'm been trying for a while now. A few people, not many have actually noticed that my arms are a little bigger/toned, not much though. I'm happy though, I can lift much more than I use to be able to.

BTW I'm sorry to all of you guys, I hope it doesnt seem like I have abandoned you or anything, I will hang out again some time. I'm just not sure when, hopefully soon, when I feel better. I may even be going to laser tag this weekend if I can get a ride and dig up some money.

All in all I'm having fun with my life and plan to take it to a much higher level over the next few years, not sure EXACTLY how I'm going to do it but I have a few ideas. I'm happy, at least usually :P .

Kaya is doing fine, we are doing fine. We've grown really close, but there is a slight chance that she may have to move to Florida when her mom moves. They're not sure if they are going or not but if they do there is a possibility that I may go too or I'll just have to get 2 more jobs on top of Groco so I'd have the money to visit her every weekend. :) Man, that would be hard. That would suck if she had to move even if I went with her cause I don't even have my GED yet, nor do I have the money to get it yet and finding a new job down there would be a bitch, I would also have bills to pay on top of having to find the new job cause I'd have to get an apartment or something.
Fuck, my buzz is going away.

Oh well, I'll get my life straight, You'll see. I'm gonna be big some day.

Gotta go sleepy now, got work in the morning. Night everyone.

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