(no subject)

Mar 31, 2005 13:57

Well its finally over; Terri Schiavo has died. Finally, perhaps the people of this country can now move on. I have never seen such a shameful response as the hideous out-cry to keep this poor brain dead woman on her feeding tube. The process involved here that led to the removal of her feeding tube was scrutinized extremely closely. The courts made a fair decision but were brought under extreme pressure to reverse that decision. I am glad that this country's judiciary upheld the rule of law under such pressure. I wish I could say as much for our federal legislators, but they behaved in a shameful manner by attempting to circumvent the the legal process simply because the proper decision was one they disagreed with.

Well, its over now, and there is enough shame to go around for everyone!! The only redeeming factor is that this poor woman's spirit has finally been set free. The circle of life is complete.
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