I never update twice in one day, but this is extraordinary.
About a year ago, I mentioned hanging out with a couple of fairly important musicians through my work with our local orchestra. When I got home from work just now, I checked the mailbox, and there was an incredible, amazing...just WOW letter from one of them, namely this fellow -
http://www.pianotexas.org/2005/teachers_ungar.asp I always say that people are people; we all deserve the same amount of consideration and respect, no matter how "important" or "ordinary" we might be. Yet right at the moment, I'm beginning to rethink that. This fellow is SO classy, and SO freaking talented, and he took the time to write a truly amazing letter to me, lowly little me, that I'm just...incoherent. Flabbergasted. Amazed. Feeling unworthy to share the same continent as he does.
Is it okay to fangurl someone just because they have the best manners and most class I've ever encountered?