Sunday Morning Update

Jan 15, 2006 10:50

It's Sunday morning. Fred's at the spa (working on the employees' 941 forms, most likely). Sarah's asleep, the cats are all staring at me expectantly (though I know they were just fed), and I am updating LJ.

Sarah and I had a very Harry Potter day yesterday. We went to an afternoon showing of Goblet of Fire, then we stayed up til 2:30 am watching "Wizard People, Dear Reader" (aka "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone"). If you're not familiar with this particular bit of comic genius, check out the following link: (and thanks to Dayna for initially introducing us to it, lo these many moons ago). This time I wasn't quite as drunk watching it as I had been initially, so I think I caught more of the bizarre humor. I also hadn't noticed how many times the Mr. Neely himself loses it and cracks up during his narration. What a strange man. :p

Today's a "clean the freaking house and get some exercise" sort of day, I think. I also need to get Rob's fic finished. I'd promised him the darned thing by his birthday, and have gotten the first four chapters "published" on the board, but it's slow going. Also, he hasn't been around in over a week (sob!) so I don't know if he's seen any of it anyhow.

Since this wouldn't be a Donna update without a mention of the spa, I'll just mention that I'm starting to worry about being overly busy all the time. There was no day this week where we did less than 15 massages. On Friday we did 29; yesterday 31. Valentine's day is going to be a nightmare. I think we'll have to be open early and late that whole weekend just to try to get everyone accomodated. I personally don't plan on sleeping from the 9th through the 20th. *hyperventilates*
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