Jun 28, 2007 11:29
My new goal.
A healing consciousness is a consciousness so clear and pure that others coming near your auric field are positively affected and cannot remain on a low vibrational level (negative). The purity of your consciousness automatically heals anyone who comes near it. Fierce animals can behanve like harmless house cats around you. A healing consciousness is developed through an attitude of continual, abiding love. It is sustained by self authority: a state of self-reliance, self-discipline, and dominion over your life. In this state you are unaffected by your environment. Your inner light is so great that it radiates around you, creating a beautiful sphere of protection. There are many aspects to self-authority.
1. Knowing who you really are on the deepest level.
2. Identifying yourslef with your divine self rather than your ego.
3. maintaining dominion over your mind and emotions.
4. Loving yourself fully, loving God fully, and loving others fully.
5. Being in control of your life and taking charge of your destiny.
6. Maintaining continual divine protection from within.
7. Keeping your aura closed off to all but your own God self.
Here are 10 doors through which self-authority can be developed:
1. Healing all the way.
2. Acquiring and maintaining a clear contact with Spirit.
3. Practicing the presence of God through the "ecstatic expressions."
4. Praying, affirming, and decreeingthe truth of your being.
5. Setting goals, and praying and working to achieve them.
6. Living in harmony and love with others.
7. Practicing the Be-attitudes, true spiritual qualities.
8. Achieving deep mediatation and inner silence.
9. Engaging in dynamic, purposeful, and fulfilling activity.
10. Living your true heart's desires and true purpose.
From Divine Revelation by Susan G. Shumsky